Band / Volume 41
Landschaftsökologie: Stand der Dinge, Perspektiven und Herausforderungen.
Geo-Öko: 5-40.
Evaluation of spatial variation characteristics of dynamically modelled precipitation and temperature fields – A comparative analysis of WRF simulations over western Amazonia and the central Himalayas.
Geo-Öko: 41-66.
Process based modeling of phosphorus transport on basin scale.
Geo-Öko: 67-94.
Advances in dynamic modelling of landscape processes: the example of soil compaction.
Geo-Öko: 95-114.
Opinion: Apply Moran’s I – a tool to handle spatial heterogeneity in geoecology – an example of soil carbon inventory in a beech forest.
Geo-Öko: 115-127.
Der Sojakomplex in Nord-Mato Grosso (Brasilien). Eine politisch-ökologische Perspektive.
Geo-Öko: 128-155.
Band / Volume 41
Black alder (Alnus glutinosa) - a further thermophilic tree species established in Swedish subalpine mountain birch forest. Light on modern climate warming and postglacial tree immigration patterns.
Geo-Öko: 167-181.
40 years after the grapes - change of vegetation on abandoned vineyards in the Cinque Terre National Park (Italy) between 1980 and 2019.
Geo-Öko: 182-205.
Küstenentwicklung am Beispiel Sylts: - Entwicklung einer Bewertungsmatrix zur Reduktion der räumlichen Komplexität.
Geo-Öko: 206-237.