Dr. Sebastian Kunte was a GlobalFood member from 2012-2015. The information on this site reflects the status at the point of leaving GlobalFood.
Occupation after leaving GlobalFood
Behavioral Economist at Allianz Private Health Insurance in Munich
Research associate
DFG Research Training Group "GlobalFood"
Subproject C1: Contract farming and contract design
- 04/2012 - 07/2015: PhD in Economics
Georg-August-University of Göttingen
Dissertation: "Contractual Relationships in the Absence of Formal Enforcement: Experimental Evidence from Germany and Kenya" (Supervision: Prof. Meike Wollni, Prof. Matin Qaim, Prof. Claudia Keser)
- 10/2009 - 02/2012: M.Sc. in Economics
University of Erfurt
- 10/2005 - 09/2008: B.A. in Staatswissenschaften (Economics, Political Science, Sociology) and Communication Science
University of Erfurt
Practical experience
- Since 06/2020: Behavioral Economist at Allianz Private Health Insurance in Munich, Germany
- 07/2017 - 05/2020: Project Manager at Joachim Herz Stiftung (Program Area Economics) in Hamburg, Germany
- 01/2016 - 06/2017: Advisor at the Thuringian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Science and Digital Society, Germany
- 06/2014 - 07/2014: Visiting researcher, Busara Center for Behavioral Economics, Nairobi, Kenya
- 04/2012 - 07/2015: Research associate, Research Training Group (RTG) Transformation of Global Agri-Food Systems (GlobalFood), Georg-August University Göttingen
- Kunte, S. (2020). The Regional Nudger: Wie Erkenntnisse der Verhaltensökonomie die Regionalpolitik und die politische Praxis auf Länderebene verbessern können. Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik. 69(1): 69-87.
- Kunte, S., Wollni, M., Keser, C. (2017). Making it personal: breach and private ordering in a contract farming experiment. European Review of Agricultural Economics. 44(1): 121-48.
- Kunte, S. (2015). Contractual relationships in the absence of formal enforcement: Experimental evidence from Germany and Kenya. Dissertation, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Göttingen.
- Kunte, S., Wollni, M. (2015). Risky environments, hidden knowledge, and preferences for contract flexibility: an artefactual field experiment. GlobalFood Discussion Paper Series, No. 69, Göttingen.
Research interests
- Experimental and behavioral economics
- Institutional economics and economic policy
- Development economics
- Behavioral game theory