Z02 - Central Scientific Support Unit

Das Zentrale Wissenschaftliche Serviceprojekt Z02 ist darauf ausgelegt, den wissenschaftlichen Teilprojekten von EFForTS durch die Bereitstellung von Basisdaten Hilfestellung zu leisten. So liefert Z02 meteorologische Daten aus allen Untersuchungsflächen (WP1), raumbezogene Produkte aus Fernerkundungsdaten auf verschiedenen räumlichen Ebenen (LIDAR, WP2) sowie Biodiversitäts-Daten arborikoler Arthropoden von allen EFForTS Kern-Untersuchungsflächen und dem Landscape Assessment (WP3). Außerdem dient Z02 als Anlaufstelle für Convention of Biodiversity (CBD) relevante Themen, z.B. in Bezug auf Umgang mit biologischen Proben und im Rahmen von Access-and-Benefit-Sharing Maßnahmen (WP4).

The success of the international and interdisciplinary research of the proposed Collaborative Research Centre (EFForTS) depends to a significant degree on efficient project support. There is an unusually high demand for support from scientific projects with respect to the organization and collection of background data on biota, land cover and climate, and this is met by the Central Scientific Service Project.

The project focuses on four major topics:

  • (WP1) Collection of essential climate data at each of the core plots including temperature and moisture at different levels in and above the ground.
  • (WP2) Processing of remote sensing data, generation of data products from the airborne laser scanning campaign and auxiliary satellite based data.
  • (WP3) Organizing the identification of species and implementing the sampling, identification and monitoring of tree arthropod communities.
  • (WP4) Functioning as focal point and interface for collaboration with collections in Indonesia, in particular the Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), and museums all over the world;
support will be provided on issues related to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) ensuring that EFForTS scientists are familiar with the principles of the CBD including the Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) system, and conduct their research accordingly. In a program focusing on investigating the full diversity of a tropical rainforest region, support in biodiversity issues proved mandatory to ensure that the hyper-diverse animals, plants and microorganisms receive adequate attention, are stored and archived properly, and are handled in compliance with Indonesian and international regulations. Z02 Scheu/Knohl/Erasmi forms a long-term focus on biodiversity monitoring of tropical regions and ensures that collections and results of EFForTS are saved for future use using a novel developed database (Ecotaxonomy database).

Trennblatt Z02/WP1 B600
Fig. 1. WP1: Meteorologische Daten
links: Feld Team um Dr. Christian Stiegler (2. v. r.) an einer Klimastation
rechts: Feldassistenten bei der Einrichtung einer Messstation.
Trennblatt Z02_Lidar_B600
Fig. 2. WP2: Fernerkundung
links: Räumliche Modellierung der Vegetationsstruktur mit flugzeuggestützten LiDAR- und Hyperspektraldaten
rechts: Skalierung von ökologischen und sozio-ökonomischen Funktionen mit Fernerkundung
Fig. 3. WP3: Arboreale Biodiversität
links: Dr. Jochen Drescher beim Canopy Fogging in Kautschuk
rechts: Team von Studenten um Dr. Purama Hidayat (mitte links) und Prof. Dr. Damayanti Buchori (mitte rechts) an der Bogor Agricultural University IPB