Gerhard H. Braus
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(Abstracts are not listed; * indicates primary research articles)
[125]* Krappmann S, Sasse C, Braus GH (2006) Gene Targeting in Aspergillus fumigatus by Homologuous Recombination Is Facilitated in a Nonhomologous End-Joining-Deficient Genetic Background. Euk. Cell 5, 212-215.
[126]* Kleinschmidt M, Schulz R, Braus GH (2006) The yeast CPC2/ASC1 gene is regulated by the transcription factors Fhl1p and Ifh1p. Curr. Genet. 49, 218-228.
[127] Fischer R, Braus GH (2006) Genomsequenz von Schimmelpilzen bringt Sex ans Licht. BIOspektrum 3/06, 270-271.
[128]* Krappmann S, Jung N, Medic B, Busch S, Prade RA, Braus GH (2006) The Aspergillus nidulans F-box protein GrrA links SCF activity to meiosis. Mol. Microbiol. 61, 76-88.
[129]* Bömeke K, Pries R, Korte V, Scholz E, Herzog B, Braus GH (2006) Yeast Gcn4p stabilization is initiated by the dissociation of the nuclear Pho85p/Pcl5p complex. Mol. Biol. Cell. 17, 2952-2962.
[130]* Strittmatter AW, Fischer C, Kleinschmidt M, Braus GH (2006) FLO11 mediated filamentous growth of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae depends on the expression of the RPS26 genes. Mol. Gen. Genomics 276,113-125.
[131] Braus GH, Sasse C, Krappmann S (2006) Amino acid acquisition, cross-pathway control, and virulence in Aspergillus. Medical Mycology 44, S91-S94.