Summer Term 2015
Summer Term 2015
- April, 22nd: Olav Mueller-Reichau (Leipzig)
Predicting Aspect Choice in Russian on Compositional Grounds - April, 29th: Ilse Zimmermann (Potsdam)
How much syntax does semantics need? On the syntax and semantics of sentence embedding - May, 6th: María del Mar Vanrell Bosch (FU Berlin)
The prosody-syntax interface and dialectal variation in Spanish and Catalan interrogatives - May, 13th: Susi Wurmbrand & Neda Todorović (UConn)
Da, da, da-(In)Finite possibilities - May, 20th: Viola Schmitt (Göttingen/Vienna)
Scopelessness - May, 27th: Robyn Carston (UCL)
Local Pragmatics and 'Embedded Implicature' - June, 3rd: Hilda Koopman (UCLA)
Are objects scattered in all languages? - June, 10th: Luka Szucsich (Berlin)
Cross-clausal dependencies and the subjunctive in Polish and Russian - June, 17th: Thomas McFadden (ZAS Berlin)
Capturing the structural/inherent distinction with a synthesis of competing theories of case - July, 1st: Ralf Vogel (Bielefeld)
Inflection without affixes - July, 2nd: Kai von Fintel (MIT)
Variable costs
Please note that this talk will start at 12:15 at the German Department, room 1.245 (Medienraum).