
Welcome to the Institute of Computer Science!

You are (going to be) new at the Institute and wish for some orientation? We are pleased to support you on your way to our academic community!

You are already familiar with the Institute and / or the University of Göttingen? We are sure our offers will also support you in a smooth transition from your Bachelor's to your Master's studies!

On this page, you will find an overview of the introductory events at the beginning of each semester. Additionally, we provide you with information on where to find important documents - specifically focused on our Master's programmes in Applied Computer Science and in Applied Data Science.

Study Guidances

Please make sure to visit our study guidance!

Every semester, we offer two appointments with the identical content. This allows you to choose the time slot best suiting your schedule. The study guidances are always offered online so that you can also attend if you are still outside of Göttingen.
The duration of the study guidance is around an hour, the medium of instruction is English. Usually, the study guidances are offered in September (for a programme start in the winter semester) and March (for a programme start in the summer semester). The exact schedule will be communicated via E-Mail and StudIP.

Visiting the study guidance is of very high importance for you to get all relevant information for the start of your studies.

Among others, we will deal with

  • a detailed insight of the programme structure
  • the study paths you can take, especially regarding the different specializations / application domains
  • all relevant information to set up a study plan, especially for your first semester
  • the so-called opt-out mechanism and the mandatory mentoring programme prior to the beginning of the first semester (Applied Data Science only)
  • a brief overview the systems and platforms used at the University of Göttingen for organising and administering your studies
  • the procedure for students with a conditional admission
  • important contact persons and institutions within the University

Dates Introductory events

The following introductory events are offered for the MSc Applied Computer Science for winter semester 2024/25:

Study Guidance:
  • Thursday 26 September 2024, 12 PM: Study Guidance I (online, see Stud.IP)
  • Monday, 30 September 2024, 16 PM: Study Guidance II (online, see Stud.IP)

Please find the presentations and access links for the events at Stud.IP. All events are offered in English.

The following introductory events are offered for the M.Sc. Applied Data Science for the winter semester 2024/25:
  • Thursday, 12 September 2024, 3 PM (CEST): Study Guidance I, online
  • Wednesday, 18 September 2024, 10 AM (CEST): Study Guidance II, online

Please find the presentations and access links for the events at StudIP. All events are offered in English and will start s.t.

Important documents

Important documents such as the presentations of the introductory events, the Master's first semester booklet, templates for study plans and a list of recommended courses in the first semester will be available via the community forum: Freshmen MSc Computer Science in Stud.IP.

Additionally, the regulations – especially the module catalogue – inform you about the requirements to successfully complete your studies.*

* legally binding are the requirements described in "Modulverzeichnis zu der Prüfungs- und Studienordnung für den konsekutiven Master-Studiengang Angewandte Informatik", published in the University’s official announcements

Please find all relevant documents like the presentations of the introductory events and relevant information regarding the mentoring programme at StudIP (Community-Forum M.Sc. Applied Data Science - General Information).

Additionally, the regulations – especially the module catalogue – inform you about the requirements to successfully complete your studies.
An interactive insight into the study structure, illustrating the module catalogue, is available here.*

* legally binding are the requirements described in "Modulverzeichnis zu der Prüfungs- und Studienordnung für den konsekutiven Master-Studiengang Angewandte Data Science", published in the University’s official announcements

International Students

For (new) international students the International Office of the Faculty organizes numerous events such as Q&A sessions with students of higher semesters, a campus tour, international dinner, etc. For details, please check their website where you also find a welcome video with a virtual campus tour.

Göttingen International also offers introductory events. Additionally, they provide a comprehensive digital collection of relevant information for living and studying in Göttingen.

  1. Contact
  2. Dean of Studies Computer Science

    Student Advisory Service
    Goldschmidtstr. 1
    37077 Göttingen
