Christina Hackmann


I graduated from the Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster with a Bachelor’s (2017) and Master’s degree (2020) in Landscape Ecology. After gaining experience with different facets of ecological research, I decided to specialize in forest ecology, hydrology and management. For my master thesis, I investigated sap flow and tree water use of Betula pendula, Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies in a boreal mixed forest in collaboration with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umeå. During my studies in Germany and Sweden, I enjoyed learning and researching in international and interdisciplinary environments. While focusing on tree-water relations, I am particularly interested in the connections between different ecosystem compartments and research fields.
In 2021, I joined the working group of Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer at Göttingen University as a PhD student. Within the framework of the RTG 2300, I am investigating root water uptake under interspecific competition, using stable isotope analyses.

PhD Research project

Rooting patterns, root growth, and water uptake in response to interspecific competition.