Lukas Rosenberg
Lukas Rosenberg (M.A., M.Ed.) studied history for his Master of Arts as well as history and German philology for his Master of Education at the University of Göttingen and the University of Groningen (Netherlands). In his master’s thesis he examined the impact of the plague epidemic on the labour relations on the plantations of Malang (Indonesia) in the early 20th century. Since 2021 he is involved in the organisation of the Ian J. Kerr Research Archive.
In his PhD project under the working title „The Railway Workshops in Parel (India) and Semarang (Indonesia). Formalisation and Segmentation within Workforces between 1879 and 1939.“ he examines the functions of heavily formalised labour relations and their development. Considering the exceptional position of such labour relations, he explores the reasons why these labour relations developed and which functions they had for workers, state and management. The project is part of the Modern Indian History Research Group.