Statistical Basics for PhD Students - Part II

Responsible person
Dr. Irina Kuzyakova
15 h attendance time
55 h self-study time
20 h for the final written presentation
All sessions will take place online within a time frame of one week each. The given date refers to the start of the session. For further information, please have a look at the detailed schedule

S1 7th January 2025
S2 14th January 2025
S3 21st January 2025
S4 28th January 2025
S5 4th February 2025
Type of Examination
Chores (5 pages)
Presentation Requirements
Number of students
Please send an email until 08.12.2024 to
The "Statistical Basics for PhD Students" workshop is held online using the BigBlueButton system. A headset is required for participation.

The course is designed as a Flipped Classroom: The lecture notes and exercises on the topics of the submodules are provided for self-study. The classes are organized as targeted lectures based on the questions/suggestions of the course participants.

Course content: The aim of the courses is to give PhD students the basic knowledge necessary for statistical data analysis or to refresh it. The focus is on teaching statistical methodology and its application using the software R. The course focuses on the description and application of advanced statistical methods using R software.

The workload amounts to 90 h.
That includes:
15 h of attendance (6 meetings a approx. 2.5 h)
55 h of self-study and homework performance (approx. 11 h weekly)
20 h for the final written presentation

Fulfillment of all course requirements results in 3 Credits.

Examination requirements: Written presentation of the own research project, addressing in particular the choice of appropriate statistical methods depending on data properties and objectives of the study and covering the methods of the 5 Sessions attended.

Sessions overview

S1 Advanced Analysis of Variance with R The session focuses on statistical analysis of multifactorial experiments and model selection. Specific aspects of statistical analysis of unbalanced data are discussed; Type I, Type II, and Type III of sum of squares are explained.

S2 Linear and nonlinear regression in R This session deals with the statistical analysis of relationships between numerical variables. Linear and nonlinear models and their application in R are discussed. Also considered are possibilities of data transformation to reach the models assumptions.

S3 Linear Models with R This session focuses on the use of covariates in a statistical analysis in R. The second issue of the submodule is the introduction to mixed models and their implementation in R.

S4 Nonparametric Statistics with R In this session, nonparametric methods and their applications are considered. Nonparametric alternatives for testing differences between two or more groups and relationships between variables are discussed. Permutation tests are introduced.

S5 Inferential Statistics for Categorical Data in R This session focuses on the analysis of nominal data. In particular, the module considers the statistical analysis of contingency tables and provides an introduction to logistic regression.

Admission requirements: Students of GFA, other PhD students if free places are available

Cancellation policy:

Your registration for courses and workshops offered by the GFA is binding. If you want to cancel your registration later than three weeks prior to the workshop start date, you have to provide a physician's note. A late deregistration without a reason for illness is only possible with the consent of the first supervisor. If non of these two conditions is met, you will be barred from registering for GFA courses for the period of one year.
Please be aware that with a late deregistration you block seats for other PhD students, which otherwise could have taken part in the workshop.

Absence policy

To earn credits for a workshop/course, you must not miss more than 10% of total contact hours. In most cases, this will be less than a day. If it is inevitable that you miss more than a whole day, please notify us well in advance (at least one week).