Postdoctoral Researcher


I am a soil biogeochemist with a background on environmental engineering. I have worked on several biogeochemical topics in various ecosystems and climatic regions. My research is interdisciplinary crossing over soils, plants and ecology. My work includes field and laboratory observations combined with modeling to understand biogeochemical processes.
My current research focuses on the coupling of carbon and nitrogen cycles in agricultural soils. In detail, I focus on the effects of agroecological practices on soil organic matter sequestration and greenhouse gas emission to understand their trade-offs for climate change mitigation.


  • 2022-present: TRUESOIL – Understanding trade-offs and dynamic interactions between SOC stocks and GHG emissions for climate-smart agrisoil management
  • 2017-2022: German Biodiversity Exploratories - Large-scale and long-term functional biodiversity research
  • 2015-2017: RECARE – Remediation of degraded soils through land care in Europe
  • 2015-2017: 2014-2015: SoilTrEC - Soil Transformation in European Catchments

  • Selected Publications

    Feng, W., Ai, J., Sánchez-Rodríguez, A.R., Li, S., Zhang, W., Yang, H., Apostolakis, A., Muenter, C., Li, FM, Dippold, M.A., Zhou, J., Dittert, K. & Wang, H., 2025. Depth-dependent patterns in soil organic C, enzymatic stochiometric ratio, and soil quality under conventional tillage and reduced tillage after 55-years. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 385, 109584.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2025.109584

    Neyret, M., Le Provost, G., Boesing, A.L., Schneider, F.D., Baulechner, D., Bergmann, J., de Vries, F.T., iore-Donno, A.M., Geisen, S., Goldmann, K., Merges, A., Saifutdinov, R.A., Simons, N.K., Tobias, J.A., Zaitsev, A.S., Gossner, M.M., Jung, K., Kandeler, E., Krauss, J., Penone, C., Michael Schloter, M., Schulz, S., Staab, M., Wolters, V., Apostolakis, A., Birkhofer, K., Boch, S., Boeddinghaus, R.S., Bolliger, R., Bonkowski, M., Buscot, F., Dumack, K., Fischer, M., Gan, H.Y., Heinze, J., Hölzel, N., John, K., Klaus, V.H., Kleinebecker, T., Marhan, S., Müller, J., Renner, S.C., Rillig, M.C., Schenk, N.V., Schöning, I., Schrumpf, M., Seibold, S., Socher, S.A., Solly, E.F., Teuscher, M., van Kleunen, M., Wubet T. & P. Manning, 2024. A slow-fast trait continuum at the whole community level in relation to land-use intensification. Nature Communications 15, 1251.
    DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45113-5

    Apostolakis, A., Schöning, I., Michalzik, M., ,Ammer, C., Schall, P. Hänsel, F., Nauss, T., Trumbore, S. & Schrumpf, M., 2023. Forest Structure and Fine Root Biomass Influence Soil CO2 Efflux in Temperate Forests under Drought. Forests 14, 411.

    Panagea, Apostolakis, Berti, Čermak, Diels, Else, Kusa, Piccoli, Poesen, Stoate, Tits, Toth, Wyseure, 2022. Impact of agricultural management on soil aggregates and associated organic carbon fractions: Analysis of long-term experiments in Europe. EGU-SOIL.

    Apostolakis, Schöning, Michalzik, …, Schrumpf, 2022. Drivers of soil respiration across a management intensity gradient in temperate grasslands under drought. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.

    Apostolakis, Schöning, Klaus, …, Schrumpf, 2022. Direct and plant community mediated effects of management intensity on annual nutrient leaching risk in temperate grasslands. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.

    Daliakopoulos, Apostolakis, Wagner, Deligianni, Koutskoudis, Stamatakis, Tsanis, 2019. Effectiveness of Trichoderma harzianum in soil and yield conservation of tomato crops under saline irrigation. CATENA.

    Tzanakakis, Apostolakis, Nikolaidis, Paranychianakis, 2018. Ammonia oxidizing Archaea do not respond to ammonium or urea supply in an alkaline soil. Applied Soil Ecology.

    Apostolakis, Panakoulia, Nikolaidis, Paranychianakis, 2017. Shifts in soil structure and soil organic matter in a chronosequence of set-aside fields. Soil and Tillage Research.

    Additional information

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    Twitter: @AntonisSoil