Misha Singh


College / University

Ashoka University, India

Highest Degree

Bachelor of Science, Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Studies & Research

Major Subject




Lab Experience

Animal behaviour assays and analysis, Human Behaviour assays, Insect electrophysiology, fMRI and ECoG data analysis, Animal pose detection using DeepLabCut and SLEAP, FlyWire, Basic programming in R and Python, Analysis using ImageJ

Projects / Research

  • 2023-2024: Computational Study of Invertebrate Central Pattern Generators (CPGs): Neuronal dynamics of rhythmic movements in Cricket song generation (Undergraduate Capstone Thesis)
  • 2022-2023: Single-dimensional multialternative shoal choice decoy space map of zebrafish (Danio rerio)

Scholarships / Awards

2024 – 2026: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) scholarship


My interest in neuroscience is driven by the desire to understand the neural mechanisms behind the dynamic, feedback-driven nature of behaviour in real-world contexts. I am interested in exploring questions of learning, memory and intelligence– particularly in the sensorimotor context. I aim to learn to approach such questions using both wet lab and computational tools. In addition, I look forward to gaining insights into how malfunctions of these cognitive processes unfold in neurodegenerative disorders and the clinical and translational approach to treatment.