Academic Exchange and Mobility
A university cannot exist without the continuous movement of scholarly ideas. At the core of academic life, a main facet of this movement is academic mobility. As they have done over the centuries and intensely since the establishment of the network, Coimbra Group universities continue to exchange students and staff in national, regional, European, international ? bilateral or multilateral ? settings. With a wealth of challenges to respond to, the design and implementation of student and staff mobility require a collective, empathic and imaginative approach by participating institutions. The Working Group will ensure continuous exchange of experience among member institutions. The Working Group will also advise the Coimbra Group Executive Board on possible actions to be taken to influence the development of European educational programmes with mobility components.
Jakob Hedderich
The International Office
Von-Siebold-Straße 2
Room 1.122
37075 Göttingen
Tel.: +49 551/39 21326