Informal Registration for Incoming Students (Dept. of English)

This form is meant for students who are interested in taking courses at the English Department as part of their course of study at their home university.

We would like to get in touch with you before you come here to advise you of any changes in the programme, or to send general information about studying at Göttingen University. Any information you give on the courses that are of interest to you is used for planning purposes; we cannot guarantee that you get a place in any of the courses, but we will do our best to provide the necessary number of courses. Please be aware that our themed courses change from semester to semester, viz. a class on Dickens in this semester will not be offered again in the following semester. We will, however, have a class with a similar layout (i.e. analysing particular works by a major author) in our teaching programme.

Legal advisory note: By leaving your personal information you agree to being contacted by us for information purposes.

Your name: *
Your eMail address: *
Your home university: *
You come as ... *
Please indicate which modules and/or courses you wish to take: *
From when until when do you plan to stay? *

Please note that this list is not equivalent to a learning agreement. Your selection of courses is merely a statement of intent. We do not guarantee you a place in any of the courses.

Your supervisor in Göttingen is ... *

Mit dem Absenden dieses Formulars bestätigen Sie, dass Sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung gelesen haben und akzeptieren.

* Pflichtfeld