Selected Publications
2) Kang N., L. Alita, X. Yu and M. Liu (2023), Valuing the plant species diversity of permanent grasslands: From the perspective of herders. Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 345(1), November 2023, 118797.
3) Wang H. , X. Yu (2023) “Carbon Dioxide Emission Typology and Policy Implications: Evidence from Machine Learning”. Forthcoming in China Economic Review.
4) Wang X., Wang J. and X. Yu (2023), Shocks, Cycles and Adjustments: The Case of China's Hog Market under External Shocks. Agribusiness: 39 (3), 703-726.
5) Ma Y., B. Bruemmer, and X. Yu(2023) Trade development and agricultural productivity change: Evidence from China. Forthcoming in World Economy.
6) Wang H., J. F. Feil and X. Yu (2023) Let the Data Speak about the Cut-off Values for Multidimensional Index: Classification of Human Development Index with Machine Learning. Forthcoming in Socio-economic Planning Sciences.
7) Zhong X., Wang J. and X. Yu (2023) Internet Celebrities, Public Opinions and Food System Change in China: A New Conceptual Framework. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review: 26 (3)- Pages: 467 - 487
8) Ding Y., S Min, X Wang, X. Yu (2022) Memory of famine: The persistent impact of famine experience on food waste behavior. China Economic Review 73, 101795.
9) Maruejols L., L. Hoeschle, X. Yu (2022) Vietnam between economic growth and ethnic divergence: A LASSO examination of income-mediated energy consumption. Energy Economics. 106222.
10) Chen Y., S. Fan, C. Liu and X. Yu (2022) Is there a tradeoff between nature reserves and grain production in China? Land Use Policy. 106285
11) Liu C., Zhou L., Hoeschle L. And X. Yu (2023), Food Price Dynamics and Regional Clusters: Machine Learning Analysis of Egg Prices in China. China Agricultural Economic Review. Vol. 15 No. 2, pp. 416-432.
13) Yang D., Z. Liu, X. Wang, Tang Y. and X.Yu (2022) How Has the New Round of Farmland Certification in China Affected Farmers’ Economic Welfare?, Forthcoming in International Food and Agribusiness Management Review.
14) Chen X., C Liu, X. Yu(2022) Urbanization, Economic Development, and Ecological Environment: Evidence from Provincial Panel Data in China. Sustainability 14 (3), 1124
15) Wang J., X Yu, K Lyu, JH Feil (2022) The Impact of Mobile Finance Use on Livelihoods of Farmers in Rural China. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 1-13
16) Graskemper V., X. Yu and Jan-Henning Feil (2022) Values of Farmers-Evidence from Germany, Journal of Rural Studies. Vo. 89:13-24.
17) Wang H., L. Maruejols, and X.Yu (2021) Predicting energy poverty with combinations of remote-sensing and socioeconomic survey data in India: Evidence from machine learning. Energy Economics. Vol. 102, 105510.
18) Chen Y. and X. Yu (2021) Estimating Market Power > for Chinese Fluid Milk Market with Imported Products. Agribusiness. 38 (2), 386-401.
19) Wang H., Wang J. and X. Yu (2022). Wastewater Irrigation and Crop Yield: A Meta-analysis. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 21 (4), 1215-1224
20) Graskemper V., X. Yu and Jan-Henning Feil (2021). Farmer Typology and Implications for Policy Design – an Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach. Land Use Policy. Volume 103, April 2021, 105328.
21) Mao R. M. Xing, and X. Yu (2021), Quality Response to Real Exchange Rate Shocks: A Panel SVAR Analysis on China’s Agricultural Exports.” Agricultural Economics. Vol. 52(5): 719-731.
22) Zhang, X, and X. Yu (2021) Short supply chain participation, and agrochemicals' use intensity and efficiency: evidence from vegetable farms in China. China Agricultural Economic Review. Vol. 13 (4): 721-735.
23) Graskemper V., X. Yu and Jan-Henning Feil (2021), Analyzing Strategic Entrepreneurial Choices in Agriculture – Empirical Evidence from Germany. Agribusiness. Vol. 37(3):569-589.
24) Sun F., D. Abler, X. Yu (2021), Crop Allocation and Increasing Returns to Fertilizer Use in China. Land Economics. Vol. 97(2):491-508. doi: 10.3368/le.97.2.491
25) Wang H., J-F. Feil and Yu X. (2021) Disagreement on Sunspots and Soybeans Future Price, Economic Modelling. Vol. 95:385-393
26) Lu Z., Bao T. and X. Yu.(2020) Gender and Bubbles in Experimental Markets with Positive and Negative Expectation Feedback. Forthcoming in Computational Economics.
27) Luo H. and X. Yu(2020) National Day Holiday and Weight Gain in China: Evidence from the CHNS Surveys. Forthcoming in Applied Economics Letters.
28) Min S., X. Wang, X. Yu (2021) Does dietary knowledge affect household food waste in the developing economy of China?, Food Policy. Volume 98, 101896
29) Zhang X., Z. Wang, P. Qing ,D. Koemle &X. Yu (2020)Wheat yield convergence and its driving factors in countries along the Belt and Road. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. Vol. 6.1819168.
30) Giampietri Elisa, X. Yu, Samuele Trestini (2020)The role of trust and perceived barriers on farmer’s intention to adopt risk management tools. Forthcoming in Bio-Based and Applied Economics. DOI: 10.13128/bae-8416.
31) Zhang, Y.; Jin, S.; Zhang, Y.; Yu, X.(2020) How country-of-origin influences Chinese consumers‘ evaluation of imported milk?. China Agricultural Economic Review. Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 150-172.
32) Koemle D. and X. Yu.(2020) Choice Experiments in Non-market Value Analysis: Some Methodological Issues. Forestry Economics Review. Vol. 2 (1):3-31.
33) Zhang X., X. Yu, L. You (2020), Does the Granary County Subsidy Program Lead to manipulation of grain production data in China? , China Economic Review. Volume 62, August 2020, 101347
34) Yu X. et al. (2020) The impact of COVID-19 on food prices in China: evidence of four major food products from Beijing, Shandong and Hubei Provinces. China Agricultural Economic Review. Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 445-458.
35) Yu X., H. Luo, Wang H., and J-F Feil (2020) Climate Change and Agricultural Trade in Central Asia: Evidence from Kazakhstan. Forthcoming in Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. Vol. 6:1766380.
36) Wang H., Zhao Q., Y. Bai, L. Zhang and X.Yu (2020) Poverty and Subjective Poverty in Rural China, Social Indicators Research. Vol.150:219–242.
37) Zhou S., X. Yu, and D. Koemle (2020) Policy Choices for Air Pollution Abatement in Beijing: Status Quo or Change. The Singapore Economic Review 65 (03), 715-736.
39) Zeng, Q., X. Yu, T. Bao (2020) Memory Utility, Food Consumption and Obesity. China Economic Review. Vol. 62:101345.
40) Zhou D., X. Yu, Chen D. and D. Abler (2020) Projecting Meat and Cereals Demand for China Based on a Meta-Analysis of Income Elasticities. China Economic Review. Vol. 59,101135.
41) Tian X. and X. Yu (2019) Crop Yield Gap and Convergence in African Countries. Food Security. Vol.11:1305–1319.
42) Zhang X., X. Yu, Xu Tian• Xianhui Geng• Yingheng Zhou (2019)Farm Size, Inefficiency and Rice Production Cost in China. Journal of Productivity Analysis. vol. 52(1), pages 57-68, December.
43) Koemle Dieter, S. Lakner and X. Yu (2019) The Impact of Natura 2000 Designation on Agricultural Land Rents in Germany. Land Use Policy. Vol. 87, September 2019, 104013
44) Zhou J., Yang Z., Yu X. and K. Li (2019) Direct Intervention or Indirect Support? The Effects of Cooperative Control Measures on Farmers’ Implementation of Quality and Safety Standards. Food Policy. Volume 86, 101728
45) Zhang X., Qing P., and X. Yu, (2019) Short supply chain participation and market performance for vegetable farmers in China, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 63 (2), 282-306.
46) Zeng Q. and X. Yu (2019) Overweight and Obesity Standards and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from China, Economics and Human Biology. Vol.33: 144-148.
47) Chen Y. and X. Yu (2019) Do Subsidies Cause a Less Competitive Milk Market in China?. Agricultural Economics. Volume50(3):303-314.
48) Tian X., F. Yi and X. Yu (2019), Rising Cost of Labor and Transformations in Grain Production in China. China Agricultural Economic Review. Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 158-172.
49) Sun F. and X. Yu (2020) The Cost of Separatism: Economic Consequences of the 19871989 Tibetan Unrests. Defense and Peace Economics. Vol.31(3), pages 315-340,
50) Bao T. and X. Yu (2019) Social Norm and Giving with Indivisibility of Money: An Experiment of Selfishness, Equality and Generosity. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. 175 (2): 272-290 (19)
51) Mahmood T., X. Yu and S. Klasen (2019) Do the Poor really Feel Poor? Comparing Objective Poverty with Subjective Poverty in Pakistan. Social Indicators Research. 142(2):543–580
52) Gao Z., C. Li and X. Yu (2019) The Interaction between Country of Origin and Genetically Modified Orange Juice in Urban China Food Quality and Preference. Food Quality and Preference. Vol.71:475-484
53) Hasiner E. and X.Yu (2019) "When Institutions Matter: A Gravity Model for Chinese Meat Imports." International Journal of Emerging Markets. Vol. 14 Issue: 1, pp.231-253,
54) Chen, Y. and X. Yu (2018), Does the centralized Slaughtering Policy Create Market Power for Pork Industry in China, China Economic Review. Vol. 58:59-71.
55) Koemle D., Dieter Koemle, Yves Zinngrebe and X.Yu (2018), Highway Construction and Wildlife Populations: Evidence from Austria. Land Use Policy.Vol.73:447-457 .
56) Bao T., Dai Y. and X. Yu (2018) Memory and Discounting: Theory and Evidence. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. Volume 88, March 2018, Pages 21-30 .
57) Schwan S. and X. Yu (2018) “Social protection as a strategy to address climate-induced migration”, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. Vol. 10(1):43-64.
58) Zhou J. Tang L. and X. Yu (2018) Estimating the average treatment effect of adopting stress tolerant variety on rice yield in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. Vol. 17(4):940-948.
59) Yu X. (2018) Engel Curve, Farmer Welfare and Food Consumption in 40 Years of Rural China, China Agricultural Economic Review. Vol.10(1):65-77.
60) Quan S., Y. Zeng, X. Yu and T. Bao (2018) WTP for Baby Milk Formula in China: Using Attribute Non-Attendance as a priori Information to Select Attributes in Choice Experiment. Agribusiness: An International Journal. Volume34, Issue2: Pages 300-320.
61) Tian X.,X. Yu and S. Klasen (2018) Gender Discrimination in China Revisited: A Perspective from Family Welfare. Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. Vol. 16(1):95-115.
62) Sun F., Dai Y. and X. Yu (2017) Air pollution, food production and food security: A review from the perspective of food system. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2017, 16(12): 2945-2962.
64) Sun. F., D. Koemle and X. Yu (2017) Air pollution and short-run food prices: Evidence from Beijing, China. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Vol. 61(2):195-210.
65) Zhou S. and X. Yu (2017) “Regional Heterogeneity of Life Satisfaction in Urban China: Evidence from Hierarchical Ordered Logit Analysis”. Social Indicators Research. Vol.132(1):25-45. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-016-1377-3。
66) Zhang, X.; Chu, F.; Yu, X.; Zhou, Y.; Tian, X.; Geng, X.; Yang, J.(2017) Changing Structure and Sustainable Development for China’s Hog Sector. Sustainability 2017, 9, 69.
67) Tian X., and X. Yu (2017) “The Quality of Imported Fruits in China”. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade. DOI:10.1080/1540496X.2016.1179627. Vol.53:1603–1618, 2017
68) Yu, X. and Shimokawa S. (2016) “Nutrition Impacts of Rising Food Prices in African Countries: A Review”. Food Security. Vol. 8(5):985-997. DOI: 10.1007/s12571-016-0605-7.
69) Giampietri E. , D. Koemle, X. Yu and A. Finco (2016) Consumers’ Sense of Farmers’ Markets: Tasting Sustainability or Just Purchasing Food? Sustainability 2016, 8(11), 1157; doi:10.3390/su8111157.
70) Hasiner E. and X. Yu (2016) “ Meat Consumption and Democratic Governance: A Cross National Analysis ”, China Economic Review. DOI: 10.1016/j.chieco.2016.06.008.
71) Yu. X., Z. Gao and S. Shimokawa (2016) “Consumer Preferences for US Beef Products: A Meta-Analysis”. Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA) 2016(2): 177-195.
72) Yu X. and D. Abler (2016) “Matching Food with Mouths: A Statistical Explanation to the Abnormal Decline of Per Capita Food Consumption in Rural China”, Food Policy. Vol.63:36-43.
73) Zhou D., and X. Yu (2016) “Calorie Elasticities with Income Dynamics: Evidence from the Literature”, Applied Economic Perspective and Policy. Vol.38 (1): 50-72.
74) Tian X. , Zhang X., Zhou Y. and Yu X. (2016) “Regional Inequality in China revisited: A Perspective of Club Convergence,” Economic Modelling. Vol. 56:50-58.
75) Chen D., D. Abler, D. Zhou, X. Yu, and W. Thompson (2016), A Meta-Analysis of Food Demand Elasticities for China, Applied Economics Perspective and Policy. Vol. 38(1):5072.
76) Tian X.* and X. Yu (2015). Using Semiparametric Models to Study Nutrition Improvement and Dietary Change with Different Indices: The Case of China. Food Policy. Vol. 53:67–81
77) Zhou D. , X. Yu and T. Herzfeld (2015).”Dynamic Food Demand in Urban China”. China Agricultural Economic Review. Vol.7(1):27-44.
78) Zhao Q., X. Yu, X. Wang and T. Glauben(2014), ”The impact of parental migration on children’s school performance in rural China”, China Economic Review. Vol. 31:43-54.
79) Yu X., B. Yan and Z. Gao (2014). Can Willingness-To-Pay Values be Manipulated? Evidences from an Experiment on Organic Food in China, Agricultural Economics. 45(S1):119-127.
80) Yu X. and D. Abler (2014). “Where Have All the Pigs Gone? Inconsistencies in Pork Statistics in China”. China Economic Review, Vol.30: 469-484.
81) Yu. X. (2014) "Monetary Easing Policy and Long-Run Food Prices in China", Economic Modelling, Vol.40:175-183.
82) Yu X., Z. Gao and Y. Zeng (2014). “Willingness to Pay for the ‘Green Food’ in China.” Food Policy, Vol. (45):80-87.
83) Yu. X.(2014) “Raising Food Prices and Welfare Change: A Simple Calibration”. Applied Economics Letters. Vol. 21(9):643-645.
84) Meyer S. and X. Yu (2013): “The Impacts of Production Uncertainties on World Food Prices”, China Agricultural Economic Review. Vol.5(4):459-472.
85) Gao Z., X. Yu and J. Lee (2013): “Consumer Demand for Healthy Diet: New Evidence from the Healthy Eating Index”, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol.57(3):301-319.
86) Holst R., Yu. X. and C. Gruen (2013): “Climate Change, Risk and Grain Yields in China”. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Vol. 12(7) 1279-1291.
87) Tian X. ,and X. Yu (2013): “The Demand for Nutrients in China”, Frontiers of Economics in China. Vol.8(2):186-206.
88) Bu M., Z. Liu, M. Wagner and X. Yu (2013): “Corporate Social Responsibility and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis: Evidence from Multinationals' Investment Decision in China”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics. Vol 20(1):85-99.
89) Li Z., X. Yu, Y. Zeng and R. Holst (2012): “Estimating Transport Costs and Trade Barriers in China: Direct Evidence from Chinese Agricultural Traders”, China Economic Review, Vol.23(4):1003-1010.
90) Tian X. and X. Yu (2012): “The Enigmas of TFP in China: A Meta-Analysis”, China Economic Review. Vol. 23(2): 396-14.
91) Yu X. (2012): “Productivity, Efficiency and Structural Problems in Chinese Dairy Farms”, China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol.4 (2): 168-175.
92) Ji Y., X. Yu, and F. Zhong (2012): “Machinery Investment Decision and Off-Farm Employment in Rural China”. China Economic Review. Vol.23(1):71-80.
93) Gao Z., L. House and X. Yu (2010): “Using Choice Experiment to Estimate Consumer Valuation: the Role of Experiment Design and Attribute Information Loads”, Agricultural Economics, Vol. 41 (6):555-565.
94) Yu X. and Z. Gao (2010): “An Updated Ranking of the Economic Research Institutions in China (2000-2009)", China Economic Review, Vol. 21(4):571-581.
95) Gao Z., T. Schroeder and X. Yu (2010): “Consumer Willingness-to-Pay for Cue Attribute: the Value beyond its Own”, Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, Vol.22(1):108-124.
96) Yu X. and David Abler (2010): “Incorporating Zero and Missing Responses into CVM with Open-Ended Bidding: Willingness to Pay for Blue Skies in Beijing”, Environment and Development Economics, Vol.15:535-556.
97) Yu X. and D. Abler (2010): “Interactions between Cigarette and Alcohol Consumption in Rural China”, European Journal of Health Economics. Vol. (11):151–160.
98) Yu X. and G. Zhao (2009): “Chinese Agricultural Development in 30 Years: A Literature Review”, Frontiers of Economics in China, Vol.4 (4):633-648.
99) Yu X. and D. Abler (2009): “The Demand for Food Quality in Rural China”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 91(1): 57-69.
i. Book Chapter
100) Bu M., Z Liu, M Wagner, X Yu (2014) Corporate Social Responsibility and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis: Evidence from Multinationals’ Investment Decision in China. Globalization and the Environment of China (Edited by Bu and Yang). Emerald , UK. (Reprint of Bu et al. 2013)
Yu, X. (2022) The Political Economy of Anti-Food-Waste in
China: From Anti-Corruption to Enhancing Food Security, Chapter 11 in Food Loss and Waste
From Theory to Practice (edited by S. Busseti and N. Pace),Routledge.
ii. Book Review and Editorial
102) Yu X. and L. Maruejols. Prediction, pattern recognition and machine learning in agricultural economics. China Agricultural Economic Review, 2023. Volf. 15(2):375-378.
103) Yu. X., D. Abler and S. Shimokawa, Introduction to the Special Issue on „Sustainable Food Consumption in China“, China Economic Review, 2018.
104) Yu X. (2015), Meat consumption in China and its impact on international food security: Status quo, trends, and policies, Journal of Integrative Agriculture. Vol. 14(6):989-994.
105) Yu X. (2015), Book Review for Zhang-Yue Zhou, Hongbo Liu and Lijuan Cao (2014): Food Consumption in China: The revolution Continues. Cheltenham, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 200 pages. ISBN: 978-1-78254-919-2. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 54 (2015), No. 2: 215-217.