Publikationen 2021
Albrecht J, Peters MK, Becker JN, Behler C, Classen A, Ensslin A, Ferger SW, Gebert F, Gerschlauer F, Helbig-Bonitz M, Kindeketa WJ, Kühnel A, Mayr AV, Njovu HK, Pabst H, Pommer U, Röder J, Rutten G, Schellenberger Costa D, Sierra-Cornejo N, Vogeler A, Vollstädt MGR, Dulle HI, Eardley CD, Howell KM, Keller A, Peters RS, Kakengi V, Hemp CZJ, Manning P, Mueller T, Bogner C, Böhning-Gaese K, Brandl R, Hertel D, Huwe B, Kiese R, Kleyer M, Leuschner C, Kuzyakov Y, Nauss T, Tschapka M, Fischer M, Hemp A, Steffan-Dewenter I, Schleuning M (2021) Species richness is more important for ecosystem functioning than species turnover along an elevational gradient. NAT ECOL EVOL 5: 1582-1593, doi:
Bendix J, Aguire N, Beck E, Bräuning A, Brandl R, Breuer L, Böhning-Gaese K, de Paula MD, Hickler T, Homeier J, Inclan D, Leuschner C, Neuschulz EL, Schleuning M, Suarez JP, Trachte K, Wilcke W, Windhorst D, Farwig N (2021) A research framework for projecting ecosystem change in highly diverse tropical mountain ecosystems. OECOLOGIA 195: 589-600, doi:
Bergmeier E, Ristow M, Krause J, Meyer S, Panitsa M (2021) Phytodiversity of Limnos (North Aegean, Greece)—an update and evaluation. Flora Mediterranea 31: 233-246, doi:
Bergmeier E, Meyer S, Pape F, Dierschke H, Härdtle W, Heinken T, Hölzel N, Remy D, Schwabe A, Tischew S, Schneider S (2021) Ackerwildkraut-Vegetation der Kalkäcker (Caucalidion): Pflanzengesellschaft des Jahres 2022. TUEXENIA 41: 299-350, doi: doi: 10.14471/2021.41.021
Bergmeier E, Meyer S (2021) Lactuca aculeata (Asteraceae), a crop wild relative new to Europe. Flora Mediterranea 31: 53-58, doi:
Cusack DF, Addo-Danso Shalom D, Agee EA, Andersen Kelly M, Arnaud M, Batterman SA, Brearley FQ, Ciochina MI, Cordeiro AL, Dallstream C, Diaz-Toribio Milton H, Dietterich Lee H, Fisher JB, Fleischer K, Fortunel C, Fuchslueger L, Guerrero-Ramírez Nathaly R, Kotowska MM, Lugli LF, Marín C, McCulloch LA, Maeght JL, Metcalfe D, Norby RJ, Oliveira RS, Powers JS, Reichert T, Smith Stuart W, Smith-Martin CM, Soper FM, Toro L, Umaña MN, Valverde-Barrantes O, Weemstra M, Werden Leland K, Wong M, Wright CL, Wright SJ, Yaffar D (2021) Tradeoffs and Synergies in Tropical Forest Root Traits and Dynamics for Nutrient and Water Acquisition: Field and Modeling Advances. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4: 704469, doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2021.704469
Diers M, Weigel R, Culmsee H, Leuschner C (2021) Soil carbon and nutrient stocks under Scots pine plantations in comparison to European beech forests: a paired-plot study across forests with different management history and precipitation regimes. Forest Ecosystems 8: 47, doi:
Erasmy M, Leuschner C, Balkenhol N, Dietz M (2021) Shed light in the dark – How do natural canopy gaps influence temperate bat diversity and activity? FOREST ECOL MANAG 497: 119509, doi:
Erasmy M, Leuschner C, Balkenhol N, Dietz M (2021) Three-dimensional stratification pattern in an old-growth lowland forest: How does height in canopy and season influence temperate bat activity? ECOL EVOL 11(23): 17273-17288, doi: 10.1002/ece3.8363
Fischer K, Kreyling J, Beaulieu M, Beil I, Bog M, Bonte D, Holm S, Knoblauch S, Koch D, Muffler L, Mouginot P, Paulinich M, Scheepens JF, Schiemann R, Schmeddes J, Schnittler M, Uhl G, van der Maaten Theunissen M, Weier JM, Wilmking M, Weigel R, Gienapp P (2021) Species-specific effects of thermal stress on the expression of genetic variation across a diverse group of plant and animal taxa under experimental conditions. HEREDITY 126: 23-37
Förster A, Culmsee H, Leuschner C (2021) Thinned northern German Scots pine forests have a low carbon storage and uptake potential in comparison to naturally developing beech forests. FOREST ECOL MANAG 479: 118575, doi:
Förster A, Hertel D, Werner R, Leuschner C (2021) Belowground consequences of converting broadleaf to conifer forest: Comparing the fine root systems of European beech and Scots pine. FOREST ECOL MANAG 496: 119457, doi:
Fuchs S, Leuschner C, Link R, Schuldt B (2021) Hydraulic variability of three temperate broadleaf tree species along a water availability gradient in central Europe. NEW PHYTOL 231(4): 1387-1400
Fuchs S, Schuldt B, Leuschner C (2021) Identification of drought-tolerant tree species through climate sensitivity analysis of radial growth in Central European mixed broadleaf forests. FOREST ECOL MANAG 494: 119287, doi:
Georgiadis NM, Dimitropoulos G, Avanidou K, Bebeli P, Bergmeier E, Dervisoglou S, Dimopoulos T, Grigoropoulou D, Hadjigeorgiou I, Kairis O, Kakalis E, Kosmas K, Meyer S, Panitsa M, Perdikis D, Sfakianou D, Tsiopelas N, Kizos T (2021) Farming practices and biodiversity: Evidence from a Mediterranean semi-extensive system on the island of Lemnos (North Aegean, Greece). ENVIRON MANAGE 303: 114131, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114131
Glatthorn J, Annighöfer P, Balkenhol N, Leuschner C, Polle A, Scheu S, Schuldt A, Schuldt B, Ammer C (2021) An interdisciplinary framework to describe and evaluate the functioning of forest ecosystems. BASIC APPL ECOL 52: 1-14, doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2021.02.006
Haesen S, J.Lembrechts J, De Frenne P, Lenoir J, Aalto J, B.Ashcroft M, Kopecký M, Luoto M, Maclean I, Nijs I, Niittynen P, van den Hoogen J, Arriga N, Brůna J, Buchmann N, Čiliak M, Collalti A, De Lombaerde E, Descombes P, Gharun M, Goded I, Govaert S, Greiser C, Grelle A, Gruening C, Hederová L, Hylander K, Kreyling J, Kruijt B, Macek M, Máliš F, Man M, Manca G, Matula R, Meeussen C, Merinero S, Minerbi S, Montagnani L, Muffler L, Ogaya R, Penuelas J, Plichta R, Portillo-Estrada M, Schmeddes J, Shekhar A, Spicher F, Ujházyová M, Vangansbeke P, Weigel R, Wild J, Zellweger F, Van Meerbeek K (2021) ForestTemp – Sub-canopy microclimate temperatures of European forests. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL 27: 6307– 6319, doi:
Heinrichs S, Öder V, Indreica A, Bergmeier E, Leuschner C, Walentowski H (2021) The Influence of Tilia tomentosa Moench on Plant Species Diversity and Composition in Mesophilic Forests of Western Romania–A Potential Tree Species for Warming Forests in Central Europe? SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL 13 (14): 1-23, doi:
Homeier J, Seeler T, Pierick K, Leuschner C (2021) Leaf trait variation in species-rich tropical Andean forests. SCI REP-UK 11: 9993, doi:
Homeier J, Leuschner C (2021) Factors controlling the productivity of tropical Andean forests: Climate and soil are more important than tree diversity. BIOGEOSCIENCES 18 (4): 1525-1541, doi: DOI:10.5194/bg-18-1525-2021
Kasper J, Weigel R, Walentowski H, Gröning A, Mary Petritan A, Leuschner C (2021) Climate warming-induced replacement of mesic beech by thermophilic oak forests will reduce the carbon storage potential in aboveground biomass and soil. ANN FOREST SCI 78: 89, doi:
Kortmann M, Müller J, Baier R, Bässler C, Buse J, Cholewińska O, Förschler M, Georgiev K, Hilszczański J, Jaroszewicz B, Jaworski T, Kaufmann S, Kuijper D, Lorz J, Lotz A, Łubek A, Mayer M, Mayerhofer S, Meyer S, Morinière J, Popa F, Reith H, Roth N, Seibold S, Seidl R, Stengel E, Wolski G, Thorn S (2021) Ecology versus society: Impacts of bark beetle infestations on biodiversity and restorativeness in protected areas of Central Europe. BIOL CONSERV 254: 108931, doi:
Kotowska M, Link R, Röll A, Hertel D, Hölscher D, Waite PA, Moser G, Tjoa A, Leuschner C, Schuldt B (2021) Effects of Wood Hydraulic Properties on Water Use and Productivity of Tropical Rainforest Trees. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 0: 598759, doi:
Kuppler J, Kotowska M (2021) A meta-analysis of responses in floral traits and flower–visitor interactions to water deficit. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL 27: 3095-3108, doi:
Limberger O, Homeier J, Farwig N, Pucha-Cofrep F, Fries A, Leuschner C, Trachte K, Bendix J (2021) Classification of Tree Functional Types in a Megadiverse Tropical Mountain Forest from Leaf Optical Metrics and Functional Traits for Two Related Ecosystem Functions. FORESTS 12(5): 649, doi:
Lübbe T, Lamarque L, Delzon S, Torres Ruiz J, Burlett R, Leuschner C, Schuldt B (2021) High variation in hydraulic efficiency but not xylem safety between roots and branches in four temperate broad-leaved tree species. FUNCT ECOL 00: 1-14, doi:
Luick R, Hennenberg K, Leuschner C, Grossmann M, Jedicke E, Schoof N, Waldenspuhl T (2021) Urwälder, Natur- und Wirtschaftswälder im Kontext von Biodiversitäts- und Klimaschutz, Teil 1: Funktionen für die biologische Vielfalt und als Kohlenstoffsenke und -speicher. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 12: 12-25, doi: DOI: 10.1399/NuL.2021.12.01
Meyer P, Aljes M, Culmsee H, Feldmann E, Glatthorn J, Leuschner C, Schneider H (2021) Quantifying old-growthness of lowland European beech forests by a multivariate indicator for forest structure. ECOL INDIC 125: 107575, doi:
Meyer S, Bergmeier E (2021) The Status of Arable Plant Habitats in Greece – The Cradle of Arable Farming in Europe. In: Hurford, C., Wilson, P., Storkey, J. (Hg.) The Changing Status of Arable Habitats in Europe. A Nature Conservation Review. Pp. Springer-Verlag, , 111-120
Muffler L, Schmeddes J, Weigel R, Barbeta A, Beil I, Bolte A, Buhk C, Holm S, Klein G, Klisz M, Löf M, Penuelas J, Schneider L, Vitasse Y, Kreyling J (2021) High plasticity in germination and establishment success in the dominant forest tree Fagus sylvatica across Europe. GLOBAL ECOL BIOGEOGR 30: 1583-1596, doi: 10.1111/geb.13320
Pichler V, Gömöryová E, Leuschner C, Homolák M, Vasile Abrudan I, Pichlerová M, Strelcová K, Di Filippo A, Sitko R (2021) Parent Material Effect on Soil Organic Carbon Concentration under Primeval European Beech Forests at a Regional Scale. FORESTS 12: 405, doi:
Pierick K, Leuschner C, Homeier J (2021) Topography as a factor driving small-scale variation in tree fine root traits and root functional diversity in a species-rich tropical montane forest. NEW PHYTOL 230: 129-138, doi:
Reth S, Perez-Priego O, Coners H, Nolz R (2021) Lysimeter. In: Foken, T. (Hg.) Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measurements. Springer Nature, Cham, 1569-84
Schlund M, Kotowska M, Brambach F, Hein J, Wessel B, Camarretta N, Silalahi M, Surati Jaya IN, Erasmi S, Leuschner C, Kreft H (2021) Spaceborne height models reveal above ground biomass changes in tropical landscapes. FOREST ECOL MANAG 497: 119497, doi:
Schwieger S, Kreyling J, Couwenberg J, Smiljanić M, Weigel R, Wilmking M, Blume-Werry G (2021) Wetter is Better: Rewetting of Minerotrophic Peatlands Increases Plant Production and Moves Them Towards Carbon Sinks in a Dry Year. ECOSYSTEMS 24: 1093-1109
Sierra Cornejo N, Leuschner C, Becker J, Hemp A, Schellenberger Costa D, Hertel D (2021) Climate implications on forest above- and belowground carbon allocation patterns along a tropical elevation gradient on Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania). OECOLOGIA 195: 797-812, doi:
Stock S, Koester M, Boy J, Godoy R, Nájera F, Matus F, Merino C, Abdallah K, Leuschner C, Spielvogel S, Gorbushina A, Kuzyakov Y, Dippold M (2021) Plant carbon investment in fine roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: A cross-biome study on nutrient acquisition strategies. SCI TOTAL ENVIRON 781: 146748, doi:
Vellenga L, Kühlmann V, Tempel J, Quente J, Bänsch S, Meyer S (2021) FINKA – ein Projekt zur Förderung von Insekten im Ackerbau. In: Müller, Monika (Hg.) Landwirtschaft für Biodiversität. Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Loccum, 23-30
Wallis CIB, Tiede YC, Beck E, Böhning-Gaese K, Brandl R, Donoso DA, Espinosa CI, Fries A, Homeier J, Inclan D, Leuschner C, Maraun M, Mikolajewski K, Neuschulz EL, Scheu S, Schleuning M, Suárez JP, Tinoco BA, Farwig N, Bendix J (2021) Biodiversity and ecosystem functions depend on environmental conditions and resources rather than the geodiversity of a tropical biodiversity hotspot. SCI REP-UK 11(1): 24530, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03488-1
Weigel R, Henry H, Beil I, Gebauer G, Jurasinski G, Klisz M, van der Maaten E, Muffler L, Kreyling J (2021) Ecosystem Processes Show Uniform Sensitivity to Winter Soil Temperature Change Across a Gradient from Central to Cold Marginal Stands of a Major Temperate Forest Tree. ECOSYSTEMS 24: 1545-1560
Weithmann G, Schuldt B, Link RM, Heil D, Hoeber S, John H, Müller-Haubold H, Schüller LM, Schumann K, Leuschner C (2021) Leaf trait modification in European beech trees in response to climatic and edaphic drought. PLANT BIOLOGY 1-15: 13366, doi:
Zimmermann J, Link R, Hauck M, Leuschner C, Schuldt B (2021) 60‑year record of stem xylem anatomy and related hydraulic modification under increased summer drought in ring‑ and diffuse‑porous temperate broad‑leaved tree species. TREES-STRUCT FUNCT 35: 919-937