Research Seminar

The research seminar takes place on Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. in the seminar room of
Humboldtallee 3 (room 0.104).

Date Presenter Title
23.10.24 Isea Cieply Available
30.10.24 Name Available
06.11.24 Johannes Brachem A scalable approach to modelling high-dimensional non-gaussian spatial fields through a chain of transformations
13.11.24 Name Available
20.11.24 Name Available
27.11.24 Michael Schlee Available
04.12.24 Name Available
11.12.24 Name Available
18.12.24 Vera Stein Available
08.01.25 Name Available
15.01.25 Name Available
22.01.25 Name Available
29.01.25 Name Available
05.02.25 Name Available