Registration Form: Edinburgh Summer School 2025

Registration for Edinburgh Summer School 2025

If you wish to take part in the 2025 Edinburgh Summer School, please fill in this form. Please make sure that the spelling of your name, your postal and email address is correct. Remember to keep an eye on your inbox!

Personal Information

Your surname / family name: *
Your first name/s: *
Your email address (choose one you read!): *
Your snailmail address (which street and house number?): *
Your snailmail address (which place and postal code?): *
Your matriculation number:
Please choose your degree programme:
Please state your degree programme ONLY IF you have just chosen "other":

Course Information

Students are expected to take two classes during the Summer School. The two classes on British literature are parallel to one another. If you can imagine taking either, please tick "either class" only.

Which of the courses are you interested in?

Thank you. Please note that this registration is binding: if you submit your data here, and if you are chosen as participant, you cannot simply change your mind unless you have a VERY good reason.

I understand this is a binding registration.

Mit dem Absenden dieses Formulars bestätigen Sie, dass Sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung gelesen haben und akzeptieren.

* Pflichtfeld