PD Dr. Andreas Blümel
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Germanistische Linguistik
Curriculum Vitae
- 10/2022-2/2023 visiting scholar, Institute of Cultural & Linguistic Studies, Keio University, Tokyo
- 4/2015-now wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (=lecturer/researcher), German Department, Göttingen University
- 12/2013-2/2015 Universitätsassistent (=lecturer/researcher), English Department, Graz University
- 4/2011-10/2013 Research Assistant in the DFG-funded project Syntaktische Dislozierung, Frankfurt University
- 12/2008-3/2011 PhD scholarship in the DFG-funded Graduate Program Satzarten: Variation und Interpretation, Frankfurt University
- Syntax (verschiedener Phänomenbereiche, vorwiegend des Deutschen)
- Theorie der Syntax/Architektur der Grammatik
- Diachrone Syntax und Semantik des Englischen und Deutschen
Aktuelle Forschungsinteressen und Projekte
- Projektleitung des DFG-Projekts „Revisiting Phrasal Units in the Nominal Domain“ (Beginn: 10/2022) Webseite: https://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/499585967
- Mitarbeiter in dem KAKEN Forschungsprojekt Nr. 22K00609: 文構造の欠陥性と移動の局所性の変異 に関する理論的および実証的研究 (2022-2025) Webseite: https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-22K00609/
- Mitglied des DFG-Netzwerks „Adverbial clauses and their dependency relationships” (2021-2024) Webseite: http://www.lukasz-jedrzejowski.eu/adverbial-clauses-2/
Aktuelle Vorträge
- 01.04.-07.2024 Pro-drop and EPP as Form Copy and Minimal Search, (poster), LSA Annual Meeting, New York City
- 11.30- 12.01.2023 Deducing properties of subjects, Going Romance 37, Nijmegen
- 28.-30.4.2023 (canceled) Don’t move and delete if you cannot move when you don’t delete (poster), CLS 59, University of Chicago
- 28.4.2023 Revisiting the Pro-Drop Parameter (poster), GGS, HU Berlin
- 08.-10.03.2023 The Latin to modern Romance nominal domain: Against Minimal Search-driven change, 45. Jahrestagung der DGfS, Universität Köln
Neuere Publikationen in Auswahl
- accepted “A case study in underspecification of UG – external Pair Merge of v and T”. Syntax: a Journal of Theoretical, Experimental and Interdisciplinary Research
- To appear “Labeling Theory”, in: Kleanthes Grohmann & Evelina Leivada (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Minimalism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- To appear “Labeling Theory and the Nominal Phrase”, Proceedings of WCCFL 40.
- To appear “When the grammar doesn’t mind which Merge it chooses” (with Nobu Goto and Yushi Sugimoto), Proceedings of WCCFL 39.
- 2021 “DP, NP, or neither? Contours of an unresolved debate” (with Anke Holler). Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7(1): 153, pp. 1–25. doi.org/10.16995/ glossa.8326.
- 2021 “Displaced sentential complements to nouns in German”. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue Canadienne De Linguistique, 66(4), 519-547. doi:10.1017/ cnj.2021.34
Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten (B.A., M.A., M.Ed)
- Laura Krasniqi (M.A. 2021)
- Simona Schaefer (M.A. 2020)
- Lisa Bohlander (B.A. 2020)
- Laura Krasniqi (B.A. 2019)
- Anne Caroline de Almeida Ratke (B.A. 2019)
- Züleyka Soyupek (B.A. 2018)
- Henrike Hempen (B.A.2017)
- Marten Santjer (M.A. 2017)
- Anna Lange (B.A. 2016)
- Leonard Herbst