Vortragsreihe: Public Health and Migration
Organisiert von der Forschungsgruppe Public Health und Migration des CeMig, online via Zoom
12 Mai 2022 16:15-17:45
Health of migrants and ethnic minorities in Germany. Reflecting on normative agendas
2 Juni 2022 16:15-17:45
Aleksandra Lewicki (Visiting scholar and political sociologist teaches at the University of Sussex)
Institutioneller Rassismus im Gesundheitswesen: Mechanismen, Dynamiken und Narrative
Aleksandra Lewicki is a political sociologist who teaches at the University of Sussex. She is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology and directs the Sussex European Institute. Lewicki is one of the editors of the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies and an editorial board member of the research journal Social Movements. Her research focuses on structural inequality in immigration societies, particularly Germany and the United Kingdom. Empirically, she researches political mobilization and institutional discrimination. In particular, she is interested in how, by whom, and for what motivations collective attributions such as "race" or "nation" are generated and used for argumentation - and how they are then perpetuated in public institutions and political initiatives.
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23 Juni 2022 16:15-17:45
Hannah Bradby (Sociology Department, Uppsala University)
Healthcare access in the age of migration: reluctance, rights, suffering
Hannah Bradby has been Professor at the Sociology Department, Uppsala University, Sweden since 2013, having previously held a senior lectureship at the University of Warwick, UK. Her research interrogates the links between identity, structure and health with particular reference to racism, ethnicity and religion. She is Field Chief Editor for Frontiers in Sociology, her latest co-authored book is Exploring Welfare Bricolage in Europe’s Superdiverse Neighbourhoods and has recent papers in the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health and the Sociology of Health and Illness.