WS 2017/2018

01.11.17 (Mittwoch, Sondertermin!, 12:30, Raum 16-5)

Thomas Zack, Gothenburg University
In situ Rb/Sr dating: Recent advancements in understanding closure temperatures and applications to provenance studies

14.11.17 Jan Schönig
Application and limits of Raman spectroscopy in garnet single-grain analysis: Examples from the UHP Western Gneiss Region, SW Norway

21.11.17 David Hindle
The Ulakhan fault, and the evolution of the Kolyma river: Are they linked, and can modern dating methods help us to answer the question?

28.11.17 Wiebke Fahlbusch
Trace element uptake by plants - controlled by plant species? - and preliminary results from project “Can trace element deficiency of biogas production caused by maize be treated by an input mixture of alternative
energy crops?

05.12.17 Peter Kelemen
(1) Tracing multiple resedimentation on an isolated karstified plateau: the bauxite-bearing Miocene red clay of the Southern Bakony Mountains, Hungary
(2) Provenance significance of residual sediments and associated siliciclastic deposits

12.12.17 Patrick Ahlers
Hochauflösende Schwermineralanalyse mittels Raman-Spektroskopie: Ein Provenienzanalyse-Werkzeug

19.12.17 Volker Karius
(intern, alle!) Sicherheitsbelehrung

09.01.18 Tino Pasold
Verarmungs- und Substitutionsversuche in (quasi)kontinuierlichen Fermenterversuchen

16.01.18 Jianping Zhou
Low-temperature thermal evolution of the basement on the east of Songliao basin, NE China

Beatrix Heller
Thermochronology of Archean minerals from E Finland

23.01.18 Solveig Pospiech
Weighted LDA applied to geochemical data - Effect of analytical precision on LDA-results of tea and rock data

30.01.18 Hans Ruppert
Balance calculations on the fate of Cd and U from phosphate fertilisers in arable soils – an estimate for Germany