Theology (Doctorate)
Degree programme title: Theology (Doctorate)
Final degree: Dr. theol. (D.Th.)
Standard period of study: Six semesters
Starting semester: Winter and summer semester
Admission: Limited admission (application to the Faculty)
Application deadline: March 15 (for the summer semester) and Sept. 15 (for winter semester)
Language of the programme: German
Degree programme description
Writing a dissertation at the Faculty of Theology is most usually done within a doctoral degree programme in Theology. In addition to writing a dissertation and the final oral dissertation examination [Rigorosum] or dissertation defence [Disputation], the Examination and Study Regulations require credits from four modules that serve to expand the candidate’s academic skills and foster exchange among doctoral candidates: These include lecturing before the doctoral colloquium and acquiring additional qualifications in the humanities, teaching in higher education or academic organisation).
The prerequisites for acceptance into the doctoral degree programme specifically include an academic university degree in theology or a closely related discipline, sufficient knowledge of German, Latin, Greek and Hebrew, membership in a Protestant church and the confirmation of supervision by a member of the Faculty of Theology who is an authorised examiner. Additional prerequisites, rules concerning exceptions and the required application documents are stipulated in the “Regulation governing the determination of particularly high qualifications”.