I. Themes

1. Copyright Law

Digital technology and need for adaption
Access of Information, Open Source and Open Access,
cultural consequences
New utilization and renumeration models
Economic Analysis of Copyright Law and its embodiment
Protection of software and modern distribution channels
Legal protection of databases, sui-generi-Law

2. Industrial Property Rights, especially Patent Law

Modern technologies, especially software, bio- and genetic engineering,
European Patent Law
Patent protection of medicines, especially additional Protection Certificates
Patent Law and Antitrust Law
Patents and liability
Trademark Law and modern distribution channels

3. Fair Trading

Implementation of the Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and
the Council concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in
the internal market ("Unfair Commercial Practices Directive") in Europe
Development of the respective UWG (Unfair Competiton Law) after the novels
in Austria 2007 and in Germany 2008
New commercial practices on the internet and legal evaluation
Economic analysis of fair trading

4. Information Law, private Media and E-Commerce-Law

Legal protection IT and Internet, especially Coypright and Trademark Law
Liability for use of IT and offers on the internet
Contract Law and Consumer protection in the case of using IT and the
use of internet
Legal issues of electronic banking
Data protection and new technologies, especially search engines and
web 2.0.
Availability of public information with regard to the Directive on the
re-use of public sector information
Basic principles and structure of a right to obtain information

5. Legal Information

The use of databases and software for legal information and comparison
of laws, research project KB-Law
Opportunities and legal frameworks of e-learning
Premature consideration of correlation between law and technology in
projects - lawful design of technology

II. Fields

1. Focus CEE - Network New Member States

Vienna Group - Cooperation with the universities Brno (Czech Republic),
Pecs (Hungary), Bratislava and Kosice (Slovakia), Wroclaw (Polen),
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Annual implementation of a Summer School on European Information Law
Annual implementation of the scientific conference "Lex Informatica",
as of 2010 in Göttingen
Göttingen International Colloquium on IT and Law

2. Focus China

Development of Copyright Law and industrial property rights in China
Close cooperation with the institute for german-chinese Law
Research project EU-China IPR2-Project - Legislative Reform of Coypright
Research project Co-Reach - 5 partner, including the China Academy of
Social Science, Intellectual Property Center, Start in autumn 2009

3. Focus U.S.-American Law

Intellectual Property and ICT
Transatlantic Information Law Symposium
Dialogue on legal methodology (economic analysis, systems theory)