In publica commoda

CPD options for employees in the Offices of the Deans of Studies

The CPD options are open to employees in the faculties' Offices of the Deans of Studies who want to receive training and further qualifications in various areas in relation to their work.

We have established the following key areas:

  • Workshops on advice skills, especially on giving advice in difficult and conflict situations and in the field of intercultural advice
  • Advanced training for giving advice on completion of studies (incl. job application process and career planning)
  • Workshops on leading and chairing groups
  • Possibility of learning or improving foreign language skills
  • Workshops on time and work planning

You can register via SharePoint!


  • Englisch-Kommunikationskurs für Fortgeschrittene (24.10.2017, 07.11.2017, 12.12.2017)
  • Vertiefungsworkshop Beratungskompetenzen (25.09.2017)

Supervision opportunities for employees in the Offices of the Deans of Studies - Please contact Ms Höhmann if you have any questions or if you are interested.