Nora Vogt studied International Relations in Dresden and Bordeaux. Putting a strong focus on institutional economics, she obtained a Master’s Degree in International Economics at the University of Göttingen.
As part of the PhD programme “Biodiversity and Society” Nora will mostly be concerned with economic mechanisms for the conservation of biological diversity in Europe. Special emphasis will be given to the application and design of conservation auctions. The title of her dissertation project is therefore “Trust and Reciprocity in the Market-based Provision of Public Goods: Experimental Evidence and Applications to Conservation Tenders”. The PhD thesis has been supervised by Prof. Dr. Kilian Bizer and finished in September 2013.
In the past years Nora gained working experience inter alia in the foreign trade department of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and in the Saxon Economic Development Corporation. At the University of Göttingen she was employed as a student assistant in the interdisciplinary research group on “The Constitution of Cultural Property”. After finishing her studies Nora worked as a Carlo-Schmid intern in UNESCO’s Bureau of Strategic Planning in Paris. There she focussed on UNESCO biosphere reserves and was also a co-organiser of the events to the launch of the “2010 International Year of Biodiversity”.
contact: nora.vogt [at]