Evaluierungen / Evasys
Evaluations / Evasys - Course evaluation – student survey (EvaSys)
Since the winter semester of 2006/07 the student survey is compulsory and conducted throughout the University. Students from all twelve faculties are interviewed on their individual courses in a centrally organised procedure.
The faculties are responsible for selecting the courses for which the student interviews are held. Therefore, the offices of the Deans of Studies send lists containing the courses in question to the central evaluation department. Lecturers whose courses are not listed but who choose to participate nonetheless are also included in the survey system.
At the Faculty of Chemistry, all courses taking place in any given semester are evaluated, except for ‘exported courses’ which are evaluated by the ‘importing’ faculty (e.g., Chemistry for Medical Students). All lecturers are obliged to have their courses rated by the participants using the questionnaires issued by the Office for Academic Programme Development and Quality Management.
The evaluation results are analysed by the office of the Dean of Studies and presented to the academic commission for discussion. The commission determines measures to improve teaching if deemed necessary. By presenting teaching awards that reward the ‘best autonomous teaching’ and the best assistants in a given semester based on the student votes, the Faculty offers additional incentives to encourage dedication and innovative approaches to teaching.
For further information on the procedure, the technical side, the utilisation of the data collected, etc., please see Course evaluation.