1st funding period

Project group A: Control of dissipation
The A projects jointly study: Energy dissipation channels in a common group of tunable materials using a variety of primary excitations.
They involve light, heat pulses, mechanical stimuli and molecular collisions. These different stimuli will probe dissipative microscopic degrees of freedom by a well-defined selection of the primary excitation, which can be either electrons or phonons. In addition, the bandwidth of the excitation can be changed from monochromatic to thermal or white noise.


    The central questions are:
  • Can dissipation be controlled by tuning phonon and electron states?
  • Can dissipation channels be switched by active control?

  • Project group B: Conversion of optical excitations
    The B projects jointly study: Conversion of optically induced cooperative excitations in tunable materials.
    The projects focus on strongly correlated oxides and molecular systems which have in common that they show a strong correlation between electronic and structural degrees of freedom.
    The cooperative excitations are directed into different forms of energy: Structure changes, Changes in charge / electric state, Mechanical work.

      The central questions are:
    • What is the nature of optical excitations in correlated systems?
    • Can photon energy conversion be controlled by tunable correlations, i.e. electron-phonon, electron-electron, electron-spin?

    • ProjektB

      Project group C: Photon and electron driven reactions at interfaces

      Project group C studies photon and electron driven reactions at interfaces. The C projects jointly study:
      Storing energy in chemical bonds in multi-step reactions at interfaces.
      They will perform real time and atomic scale studies of the involved processes.

        Central questions of the C projects are:
      • What is the nature of active states and involved intermediates and barriers?
      • Can multi-step reactions be controlled via different types of correlations and active intervention?

      • ProjektC