Ludwig M., Schlinkert H., Meyhöfer R. (2013): Einfluss des zunehmenden Rapsanbaus auf Kohlschädlinge und Nützlinge. Talk. 8. Bioland-Wintertagung Nord. Hermannsburg (13.01.-14.01.).
Ludwig M., Schlinkert H., Meyhöfer R. (2013): Der Einfluss von Raps auf die Besiedlung von Kohl durch Schädlinge und Nützlinge. Poster. Tagungsband der DGaaE-Tagung. Göttingen (18.03.-21.03.).
Maibaum F., Hu J., von Fragstein M., Schütz S. (2013): A chemo-ecological study on host plant selection of the invasive ALB. Poster. DGaaE Entomology Congress. Göttingen (18.03.-21.03.).
Wemheuer F., Wemheuer B., Kretzschmar D., Daniel R., Vidal S. (2013): Multitrophic interaction between microorganisms, plant and herbivores: Does fertilizing, mowing or herbivory on plants alter the microbial community diversity in the rhizosphere? Talk. Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology. Bremen (10.03.-13.03.).
Beyer F., Hertel D., Leuschner C. (2012): Competition effects on root order-related traits and fine root longevity of beech and ash. Talk. 23. Borkheider Seminar zur Ökophysiologie des Wurzelraumes. Halle/Wittenberg (11.09.-12.09.).
Everwand G., Scherber C., Tscharntke T. (2012): Leafhopper diversity can profit from moderate mowing and fertilization in a grassland biodiversity experiment. Talk. ECCB Glasgow (28.08.-02.09.).
Feßel C., Meier I.C., Leuschner C. (2012): The effects of biodiversity and landuse on the waterbalance of a temperate grassland. Poster. 42th Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Lüneburg (10.09.-14.09.).
From T., Wrage N., Isselstein J. (2012): Exploring the relationship between diversity and productivity of a semi-natural permanent grassland using plant functional traits. Talk. 24th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation (EGF). Lublin, Poland (3.06.-7.06.).
From T., Isselstein J. (2012): Produktivität und Futterqualität von bewirtschaftetem, naturnahem Grünland unterschiedlicher Phytodiversität. Talk. 13. Treffen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grünland und Futterbau. Witzenhausen (30.08.-01.09.).
Grubert D., Butenschoen O., Scheu S. (2012): Einfluss der Qualität und Diversität ober- sowie unterirdischer Ressourcen auf die Zusammensetzung der Bodentiergemeinschaft. Talk. Interdisziplinäres WissenschaftlerInnentreffen im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt. Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Vilm (20.08. -24.08.).
Grubert D., Butenschoen O., Scheu S. (2012): The influence of above- and belowground ressources on the soil fauna community of a temperate deciduous forest. Talk. Tagung der DBG Kommission III Bodenbiologie und Bodenökologie - Lebensraum Boden. Hohenheim (20.09.-21.09.).
Grubert D., Herzog S., Lödige C., Schützenmeister K., Ammer C., Daniel R., Gansert D., Hertel D., Köhler L., Polle A., Scheu S., Butenschoen O. (2012): SPecies Litter Identity and Diversity effects on the RHizosphere of trees Experiment. Poster. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Lüneburg (10.09.-14.09.).
Hajek P., Hertel D., Leuschner C. (2012): Effects of intraspecific diversity of leaf and root morphological traits of trembling aspen (Populus tremula L.) on plant growth. Poster. “Roots to the future”, 8th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research. Dundee, Scottland (26.06.-29.06.).
Herzog S., Daniel R. (2012): Composition of soil bacterial communities in the rhizosphere of soils derived from different land-use types. Poster. EUROSOIL, Bari, Italy (02.07.- 06.07.).
Keuter A., Hoeft I., Veldkamp E., Corrre M.D., Quinones C.M., Schmidt-Walter P. (2012): Nitrogen retention efficiency and nitrogen losses of a managed and phytodiverse temperate grassland. Talk. International Conference “European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012”. Wien, Austria (22.-27.04).
Keuter A., Veldkamp E., and Corre M.D. (2012): Asymbiotic biological nitrogen fixation in a temperate grassland under different management practices. Talk. Workshop “Regulation of soil organic matter and nutrient turnover in agriculture”. Witzenhausen (15.11.-16.11.).
Keuter A., Hoeft I., Veldkamp E., Corre M.D. (2012): Nitrogen retention efficiency and nitrogen losses of a managed and phytodiverse temperate grassland. Poster. Workshop “Regulation of soil organic matter and nutrient turnover in agriculture”. Witzenhausen (15.11.-16.11.).
Lemanski K., Scheu S. (2012): Fertilisation equalises microbial community structure of grassland differing in plant functional group composition. Poster. GfOE Annual Conference, Lüneburg (10.09.-14.09).
Maibaum F., von Fragstein M., Schütz S. (2012): A chemo-ecological study on host plant selection of the invasive ALB. Poster. 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes (IUFRO 2012). Cork, Ireland (28.08.-31.08).
Petersen U., Isselstein J. (2012): Effekte von Bewirtschaftungsintensität und Artkomposition auf Struktur und Lichtnutzung im Grünland. Poster. 56. Jahrestagung der AGGF. Witzenhausen (30.08.-01.09.).
Petersen U. (2012): Phytodiversität im Dauergrünland - Einfluss auf Futterertrag und -qualität. Talk. Gemeinsame Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften und den Kommissionen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft für Bodenfruchtbarkeit und Pflanzenernährung. Berlin (24.09.-27.09.).
Volmer K., Kleemann F. Köhler L. Polle A. (2012): Hat die Reduktion intraspezifischer Diversität einen Einfluss auf Ökosystemfunktionen? POPDIV – ein Modellexperiment mit der Pappel. Talk at the "FowiTa – Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2012". Wald, Umwelt, Energie. München (19.09.-21.09.)
Wemheuer F., Vidal S. (2012): Grassland management regimes and grass microbial communities – endophytic species. Poster. Workshop Multitrophic Interactions. Göttingen (22.03.-23.03.).
Wemheuer F., Wemheuer, B., Vidal S. (2012): Multitrophic interaction between microorganisms, plants and herbivores: Does fertilizing, mowing or feeding on plants alter the microbial community composition in the rhizosphere? Poster. International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Copenhagen, Denmark (19.08.-24.08.).
2011 (back)
Cesarz S., Reich P.B., Eisenhauer N. (2011): The effect of elevated CO2, nitrogen deposition and reduced precipitation on nematode community composition and function, Talk at the „Jahrestagung 2011 des DPG-Arbeitskreises Nematologie und des AK freilebende Nematoden“ Wageningen, NL.
Dobrindt L., Vidal S. (2011): Influence of livestock co-grazing on the abundance of the endophytic fungus Neotyphodium – Does plant diversity matter? Poster. International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Everwand G., Scherber C., Tscharntke T. (2011): Molluscs respond to biodiversity and grassland management in a functional group removal experiment. Poster. International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Feßel C., Meier I.C., Leuschner C. (2011): Consequences of land-use change for root niche overlap and water balance of a temperate grassland. Poster. 41th Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Oldenburg (5.09.-8.09.).
Fender A.-C., Beyer F., Schützenmeister K., Gansert D., Jungkunst H. F., Leuschner C. (2011): Effects of ash and beech saplings on CO2, N2O, CH4 gas fluxes and chemical soil properties. Poster. International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Fender A.-C., Schützenmeister K., Gansert D., Jungkunst H. F., Leuschner C. (2011): Einfluss von Buchen- und Eschenwurzeln auf die CO2- CH4- und N2O-Flüsse von temperatem Waldboden. Vortrag. Bodenkundliche Tagung. Berlin (03.- 09.09.).
Fender A.-C., Schützenmeister K., Beyer F., Jungkunst H. F., Gansert D., Leuschner C. (2011): Einfluss von Fagus sylvatica L. und Fraxinus excelsior L. auf verschiedene C und N Größen von temperatem Waldboden. Talk. 22. Arbeitstagung Ökophysiologie des Wurzelraumes. Wittenberg Lutherstadt (15.-16.09.).
From T., Petersen U., Isselstein J. (2011): Produktivität und Futterqualität von naturnahem Grünland unterschiedlicher funktioneller Diversität unter verschiedener Bewirtschaftungsintensität. Poster. 55. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grünland und Futterbau. Oldenburg (25.08-27.08.).
From T., Wrage N., Isselstein J. (2011): Does the scale of sampling affect the relationship between biodiversity and productivity of temperate grasslands? Poster. International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
From T., Petersen U., Isselstein J. (2011): Produktivität und Futterqualität von naturnahem Grünland unterschiedlicher funktioneller Diversität unter verschiedener Bewirtschaftungsintensität. Poster. 55. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grünland und Futterbau. Oldenburg (25.08.-27.08).
Grubert D., Herzog S., Lödige C., Schützenmeister K., Ammer C., Butenschön O., Daniel R., Gansert D., Hertel D., Köhler L., Polle A., Scheu S. (2011): SPLIDRHEX - Species Litter Identity and Diversity effect on the Rhizosphere of trees Experiment. Poster. International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Hajek P., Hertel D., Leuschner C. (2011): Intraspecific diversity of leaf and root morphological traits of trembling aspen (Populus tremula L.). Poster. International conference ‘Functions and Services of Biodiversity’. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Hajek P., Hertel D., Leuschner C. (2011): "Intraspecific diversity of leaf and root morphological traits of trembling aspen (Populus tremula L.)". Talk. 22. Borkheider Seminar zur Ökophysiologie des Wurzelraumes. Lutherstadt Wittenberg (16.09.-17.09.).
Herzog S., Pfeiffer B., Daniel R. (2011): Influences of tree species and tree demes on soil bacterial communities in the rhizosphere. Poster. European Conference on Prokaryotic and Fungal Genomics. Göttingen (18.09-21.09).
Hoeft I., Keuter A., Veldkamp E., and Corre M.D. (2011): Nitrogen response efficiency of a managed and phytodiverse temperate semi-natural grassland. Poster. International conference “Functions and services of biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Jungkunst H. F., Grunwald D., Fender A.-C., Erasmi S. (2011): Setting the European budget for soil-atmosphere exchange of methane straighter. Poster. Workshop to Global Soil Change at the Duke University. Charlotte, USA (13.-17.06).
Kleemann F., Habib M.T., Lucio M., Kanawati B., Vidal S., Schmitt-Kopplin P., Polle A. (2011): Dissecting the three-way interaction between ectomycorrhizal fungus, herbivorous insect and their host plant: a ubiquitous interaction in terrestrial ecosystems. Poster presented at the international conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.-22.06.).
Lemanski K., Scheu S. (2011): The impact of grassland management on the invertebrate soil fauna and their trophic interactions. Poster. International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.-22.06.).
Lemanski K., Scheu S. (2011): The impact of grassland management on soil invertebrates and trophic interactions. Poster. Tagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie. Berlin (21.03-24.03.).
Maibaum F., Schütz S. (2011): A chemo-ecological study on hostplant selection of the invasive ALB. Poster. Tagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie (DGaaE). Berlin (21.03.-24.03.).
Maibaum F., Schütz S., Polle A. (2011): Measuring the Chemodiversity of Poplar Volatiles. Poster. International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Meyer K.M. (2011): Ecological Interactions in microbial systems. Invited Talk, WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Bad Honnef. January 2011.
Meyer S., Wesche K., Leuschner C. (2011): Surveying arable vegetation in Germany - a geobotanical perspective. Talk. Proc. 2nd Workshop of the EWRS Working Group "Weed Mapping". Jokioinen, Finland: p. 5.
Petersen U., Isselstein J., (2011): From biodiversity down to species identity – where do we find effects on yield in grassland of different species composition? Poster . International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Pfeiffer B., Fender A.-C., Thürmer A., Daniel R. (2011): Tree species effects on the composition and activity of soil bacterial communities. Poster. International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06-22.06.).
Rose L., Vogel M.C., Hertel D., Leuschner Ch. (2011): Leaf trait relationships and species rankings in differently managed meadows. Talk. 41th Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Oldenburg (05.09.-08.09.).
Rose L., Leuschner Ch. (2011): The diversity-productivity relationship in differently managed natural grassland. Talk. 41th Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Oldenburg (05.09.-08.09.).
Rose L., Leuschner Ch. (2011): Land-use intensification in grassland ecosystems: effects from leaf to ecosystem. Invited talk, Botany seminars Copenhagen, Denmark.
Schall P., Lödige C., Beck M., Ammer C. (2011): European beech seedlings are much more responsive to shade and drought in biomass partitioning than Norway spruce. Poster. International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Schall P., Lödige C., Beck M., Ammer C. (2011): European beech seedlings are much more responsive to limited resources than Norway spruce. In: Wagner S, Fahlvik N, Fischer H (eds) Proceedings – The 9th IUFRO International Beech Symposium organized by IUFRO working party 1.01.07 “Ecology and Silviculture of Beech”. Talk. Dresden/Göttingen (12.09.-17.09.).
Schlinkert H., Westphal C., Thies C. & Tscharntke T. (2011): Pollen beetles and pollinators on Brassicaceae species differing in plant size, Poster presented at the 41th Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GFÖ). Oldenburg (05.-09.09).
Schützenmeister K., Fender A.-C., Gansert D., Jungkunst, H.F. (2011): Effekt der langfristigen Inkubation auf die CO2-, CH4 und N2O-Flüsse des Bodens eines temperaten Laubmischwaldes. Poster. Methodenworkshop: Bestimmung von Treibhausgasflüssen in und aus Böden. Rostock (07. – 08.04.).
Schützenmeister K., Eder L. M., Fender A.-C., Gansert D., Jungkunst H.F. (2011): Photosynthesis-effect of beech and ash on CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes from a Luvisol. Poster International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.-22.06.).
Schützenmeister, K., Rudoph, M., Fender, A., Gansert, D., Jungkunst, H.F. (2011): Der Effekt von Esche und Regenwürmer auf bodenbürtige Netto-Treibhausgasbilanzen. Poster. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft. Berlin (03.-09.09).
Turley N.E., Odell W.C., Schaefer H., Everwand G., Crawley M.J., Johnson M. (2011): Rapid evolution in plants following experimental removal of herbivores. Talk. (No. COS 94-7). 96th ESA Annual Meeting. Austin, Texas (7.08.-12.08.).
Valtanen K., Eissfeller V., Beyer F., Hertel D., Scheu S., Polle A. (2011): Ectomycorrhiza: a link between above- and belowground ecosystem? Poster. International conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Valtanen K., Eissfeller V., Beyer F., Hertel D., Scheu S. , Polle A. (2011): Ectomycorrhiza as link between trees (Fagus sylvatica) and the belowground food web. Poster 19. 12th EEF Congress, Ávila, Spain (25-29.09).
Volmer K., Kleemann F., Köhler L., Polle A. (2011): Relationship of intraspecific diversity and biomass production in a poplar model ecosystem. Poster at the international conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.-22.06.).
Wemheuer F., Vidal S. (2011): Influence of grassland management intensity on the endophyte diversity in different grass species. Poster. International Conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.06.-22.06.).
Wemheuer F., Vidal S. (2011): Influence of grassland management intensity on the fungal endophyte diversity in different grass species. Poster. International Conference ProkaGENOMICS. Göttingen (18.09.-21.09.).
Wesche K., Meyer S., Krause B., Schuch S., Culmsee H., Schaefer M. Leuschner C. (2011): Untersuchungen zu Diversitätsveränderungen auf norddeutschen Acker und Grünlandstandorten 1950 2010. Invited talk at the conference: „Landnutzungssysteme und pflanzliche Biodiversität“. Jena (12.05-15.05.).
Wiegand K. (2011): Multi-scale dynamics of savanna ecosystems. Invited Talk, Workshop on „ Resilience, collapse and reorganization in socio-ecological systems of African savannas“. Bonn (November 2011).
Wiegand K. (2011): Dynamik von Waldlandschaften – Modelluntersuchungen. Öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen des Internationalen Jahres der Wälder. Göttingen (Oktober 2011).
Zhang C., Vornam B., Finkeldey R. (2011): Genetic diversity of poplar communities in a diversity experiment (POPDIV). Poster at the international conference “Functions and Services of Biodiversity”. Göttingen (20.-22.06.).
2010 (back)
Beyer F., Hertel D., Leuschner Ch. (2010): Above- and belowground response of juvenile beech trees to drought and nitrogen application. Poster. Fifth International Symposium on Physiological Processes in Roots of Woody Plants, Victoria, BC, Canada (8.08-12.08.).
Beyer F., Hertel D., Leuschner Ch. (2010): Einfluss von Bodentrockenheit und Stickstoffverfügbarkeit auf Wachstum, Vitalität und Wurzelumsatz von Jungbuchen (Fagus sylvatica L) Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung, Göttingen (22.09-24.09).
Cesarz S. (2010): Der Einfluss von Baumdiversität und -identität auf die Nematodengemeinschaft in einem diversen Laubwald. Talk at the „Jahrestagung 2010 des DPG-Arbeitskreises Nematologie und des AK freilebende Nematoden“, Freiburg.
Everwand G., Scherber C., Tscharntke T. (2010): Trophic Interactions in a Grassland Management Experiment. Poster Nr. 15.3. 40th Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GFÖ) Giessen (30.08.- 03.09.).
Fender AC., Gansert D., Jungkunst HF., Leuschner C. (2010): Einfluss der Rhizosphäre von Buche und Esche auf die CO2-, CH4- und N2O-Flüsse des Bodens eines temperaten Laubmischwaldes. Poster. Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung. Göttingen (22.-24.9.).
Fischer C., Schlinkert H., Ludwig M., Holzschuh A., Gallé R., Tscharntke T., Batáry P. (2010): The impact of hedgerow-forest connectivity on carabid beetle and spider communities in agricultural landscapes, IXth European Congress of Entomology, Budapest, Hungary (22.8. - 27.8.).
Fragstein M.v., Schütz S., Tscharntke T. (2010): Poplar leaf beetle-eumenid wasp interactions in relaton to plant volatiles and the beetle's salicylaldehyde. Poster. Worshop "Mulitrophic interaction". Göttingen (25.-26.03).
Fragstein M.v., Schütz S., Tscharntke T. (2010): Tritrophic plant-insect interactions: poplar volatiles, the chrysomelid beetles’salicylaldehyde and predator responses. Poster. International Symposium of "Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft". Hamburg (17.-21.09).
Hoeft I., Veldkamp E., Wrage N. (2010): Effects of functional grassland diversity and different management intensities on net N mineralisation.Talk. Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ). Giessen (30.08. - 03.09.).
Krause B., Culmsee H., Wesche K., Bergmeier E., Leuschner, C. (2010): Habitat change of wet and species-rich mesic meadows in northern Germany since the 1950s. Poster. The GfÖ 40th Anniversary Meeting. Gießen (30.08-3.09).
Ludwig M., Schlinkert H., Fischer C., Holzschuh A., Tscharntke T., Batáry P. (2010): Differences in the predation of dog rose seeds between hedges and forest edges. Poster. 40th Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GFÖ). Giessen (30.08.- 03.09.).
Ludwig M., Schlinkert H., Fischer C., Holzschuh A., Tscharntke T., Batáry P. (2010): Landscape-mediated effects on nest predation in hedges and forest edges. Poster. Multitrophic
Interactions Workshop. Göttingen (25.03.-26.03.).
Meyer K.M. (2010): Scaling-up from individual interactions to community patterns in bacteria, plants and herbivores. Invited Talk, AG Bonkowski, University of Cologne, June 2010.
Meyer S., Krause B., Wesche K., Leuschner C. (2010): Changes in Central German arable plant communities over the last 50 years – a semi-quantitative study. Poster. EWRS Meeting. Kaposvár, Hungary (12.07 – 15.07.).
Meyer S., Wesche K., Leuschner C., Metzner J., van Elsen T. (2010): Are agri-environment schemes for field margin strips the best long-term option for preserving arable weeds? – A short review of different conservation strategies from Germany and brief remarks to the new project “100 fields for diversity”. Invited talk for the conference on “Agri-environment schemes – what they have achieved and where do we from there?” - Association of Applied Biologists. Leicester, England (26. – 28.04.).
Müller A., Horna V., Kleemann F., Vornam B., Leuschner C. (2010): Physiological vs. morphological traits controlling the productivity of six aspen full-sib families. Poster presented on the international Congress of Photosynthesis, Beijing (22.-27.8.).
Petersen U., Isselstein J., Wrage N. (2010): The effect of manipulated plant species diversity of semi-natural permanent grassland on forage production and quality. Poster. 23rd general meeting of the European Grassland Federation. Kiel (29.08.-02.09.).
Petersen U., Wrage N., Köhler L., Leuschner C., Isselstein J. (2010): Manipulating species richness of permanent grasslands - a new approach to biodiversity experiments. Poster. 23rd general meeting of the European Grassland Federation. Kiel (29.08.-02.09.).
Schlinkert H., Fischer C., Ludwig M., Holzschuh A., Kovács A., Tscharntke T., Batáry P. (2010): The impact of hedgerow-forest connectivity on small mammals in agricultural landscapes. Poster. 40th Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GFÖ). Giessen (30.08.-03.09.).
Seither M., Petersen U., Wrage N., Isselstein J. (2010): Effect of mono- and mixed grazing of cattle and sheep on grassland diversity patterns. Poster. 23rd general meeting of the European Grassland Federation. Kiel (29.08.-02.09.).
Pfeiffer B., Fender A.-C., Thürmer A., Daniel R. (2010): Comparison of 16S rDNA and rRNA analyses using the example of beech and ash rhizosphere. Poster. “Soil Metagenomics 2010”. Braunschweig (08.12-10.12).
Pfeiffer B., Lasota S., Herzog S., Jungkunst H., Hertel D., Daniel R. (2010): Does tree diversity influence the composition of soil bacterial communities? Poster. Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM). Hannover (28.03.-31. 03).
Rose L., Buschmann H., Köckemann B., Leuschner, Ch. (2010): Are marginal beech provenances a source for drought tolerant ecotypes? Talk. International workshop: Adaptation of perennial plants to episodic drought: impact on ecosystems. Göttingen (06.10.-08.10.).
Rose L., Coners H., Leuschner Ch. (2010): The impact of land-use on the water balance of moderately species-rich grassland. Talk. 40th Anniversary conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Giessen (30.08.-03.09.).
Rose L., Coners H., Leuschner Ch. (2010): The impact of fertilization and cutting frequency on evapotranspiration and infiltration in moderately species-rich grassland. Talk. European Dry Grassland Meeting. Smolenice, Slovakia (28.05.-31.05).
Seidel, D., Beyer, F., Hertel, D., Fleck, S, Leuschner, C. (2010): 3D- Laserscanning. Ein nicht-destruktives Verfahren zur oberirdischen Biomasseanalyse. Poster. Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung. Göttingen (22.09-24.09.).
Valtanen K. and Polle A. (2010): Biodiversitätsmanipulationsexperimente in der Rhizosphäre und im Boden: Funktionale Diversität von Mykorrhizagesellschaften. Poster at the „Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung 2010“. Göttingen (22.-24.9.).
2009 (back)
Beyer F., Hertel D., Leuschner Ch. (2009): Vitality and turnover rates of tree fine roots affected by soil drought and nitrogen application. Poster. International Symposium “Root Research and Applications” Vienna, Austria (2.09-4.09.).
Cesarz S., Fahrenholz N., Migge-Kleian S., Schaefer M. (2009): Regenwürmer in einem diversen Laubwald - ist die Kohlenstoff-Limitierung eine Frage der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft? Talk. Mesofaunatreffen. Göttingen.
Dobrindt L. and Vidal S. (2009): Influence of an endophytic fungus on plant-herbivore-parasitoid interactions. Talk. Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie (DGaaE). Göttingen (16.03.-19.03.).
Dobrindt L., Alkhedir H., Hahn H., Vidal S. (2009): Do aphids serve as vectors for systemic grass endophytes? Poster. Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie (DGaaE). Göttingen (16.03.-19.03.).
Eißfeller V., Cesarz S., Scheu S., Platner C. (2009): The influence of tree root diversity on the soil fauna of a deciduous forest. Poster. Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie (DGaaE). Göttingen (16.03.-19.03.).
Fender AC., Gansert D., Jungkunst HF., Leuschner, C. (2009): Separating the effect of tree saplings on CO2 and N2O effluxes from microbial-induced releases of a temperate forest soil. Poster. International Symposium “Root Research and Applications”. Vienna, Austria (02.-04.9.).
Fragstein M.v., Ksinsik M., Scherber C., Holzschuh A., Schütz S., Tscharntke T. (2009): Plant-insect interactions on aspen (Populus tremula) differing in genetic origin. Poster. International Symposium of "Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie". Göttingen (16.-19.03).
Hoeft I., Veldkamp E., Flessa H., Wrage N. (2009): Impact of grazers and grassland diversity on nitrogen oxide emissions. Poster. Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft. Bonn (05.09. - 13.09.).
Kleemann F., Müller M., Leuschner C., Vornam B., Finkeldey R., Polle A. (2009): Differences in growth and defence strategy in aspen Populus tremula, Poster Nr. 22, 2. Pappelsymposium. Göttingen (11-13.03).
Krause B., Wesche K., Culmsee H., Leuschner C. (2009): Veränderungen von Flächenausdehnung und Artenzusammensetzung von Grünland in Norddeutschland seit 1950. Poster at the „Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Biomonitoring/Global Change der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft“. Karlsruhe (04.09 - 06.09.).
Meyer S., Leuschner C., Wesche K., van Elsen T., Gärtner A.-C., Güthler W. (2009): "Weeds in need" - a new conservation scheme for Germany's arable wild plants. Short talk and poster - Proc. of the 3rd Workshop of the EWRS Working Group "Weeds and Biodiversity". Lleida, Spain (11. – 13.02.2009).
Meyer S., Wesche K., Leuschner C., van Elsen T., Güthler W. (2009): Conservation strategies for arable weed vegetation in Germany – Which schemes are long-term effective? Talk - Proc. at the 1st International Conference "Conserving arable weed diversity - the role of weeds as an ecological resource and indicators of agro-ecosystem function”. Radzikòw and Jawczyce, Poland (06. -10.07.2009).
Meyer S., Wesche K., Leuschner C., van Elsen T., Metzner J. (2009): Schutzbemühungen für die Segetalflora in Deutschland – Das Projekt „100 Äcker für die Vielfalt“ – Talk at the “Transdisziplinäres WissenschaftlerInnentreffen im Rahmen des Übereinkommen über die Biologische Vielfalt“ - Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Vilm (24. - 28.08.2009).
Ning D., Kleemann F., Polle A. (2009): Relationship between growth and lignin content to identify major traits for biomass production and energy content in short rotation plantations, Poster Nr. 26, 2. Pappelsymposium. Göttingen (11.03.-13.03).
Petersen U., Isselstein J. (2009): Einfluss von P- und N- Düngung auf Struktur und Lichtverteilung in naturnahem Grasland mit unterschiedlicher Artenvielfalt. Poster. 53. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Grünland und Futterbau. Kleve (27.08.-29.08.).
Pfeiffer B., Lasota S., Jungkunst H., Hertel D., Daniel R. (2009): Dependence of the soil microbial community structure on tree species. Poster. European Conference on Prokaryotic Genomics. Göttingen (04.10.-07.10.).
Rose L., Hertel D., Leuschner Ch. (2009): Livestock identity effects on belowground biomass and nitrogen allocation and fine root morphology in pastures differing in species diversity. Poster. International Symposium “Root Research and Applications”. Vienna, Austria (02.09- 04.09).
Schuch S. (2009): Assessing change in biodiversity and abundance of planthoppers and leafhoppers since the 1950s. – Talk “Transdisziplinäres WissenschaftlerInnentreffen im Rahmen des Übereinkommen über die Biologische Vielfalt“ - Bundesamt für Naturschutz. Vilm (24. - 28.08.).
Schuch S., Krause B., Wesche K., Schaefer M., Culmsee H., Leuschner C. (2009): Are they still there? Assessing change in biodiversity of planthoppers and leafhoppers since the 1950s. Poster. DGaaE Entomologentagung. Göttingen (16.03 - 19.03.).
Wesche K., Krause B., Schuch S., Leuschner C., Schaefer M., Culmsee H. (2009): Wandel der Artenvielfalt in Mitteleuropa seit den 1950ern. Lecture at the Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. of Göttingen (29.01.).
Wesche K., Krause B., Schuch S., Meyer S., Leuschner C., Schaefer M., Culmsee H. (2009): Qualitative and quantitative losses of threatened habitats: examples from northern German grasslands. Lecture in the series “Modern Research in Biodiversity and Ecology". University of Göttingen (02.06.).
Wesche K., Krause B., Schuch S., Meyer S., Leuschner C., Schaefer M., Culmsee H.(2009): Biodiversität in der mitteleuropäischen Agrarlandschaft - Veränderungen in Flora und Fauna seit den 50'er Jahren. – Talk. Jahrestagung der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft“, Rinteln (08. - 10.05.).
2008 (back)
Cesarz S., Platner C. (2008): The influence of tree species diversity on soil macrofauna in a deciduous forest. Poster. GfÖ-Symposium 2008. Leipzig.
Meyer, S., van Elsen, T., Wesche, K. Leuschner, C. (2008): “100 fields for diversity” – a new network for conserving arable wild plants in Germany (talk). in: J. Stadler, F. Schöppe, M. Frenzel (eds.) EURECO-GFOE 2008 Proceedings - Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie Band 38, p. 835.
Schuch S., Krause B., Wesche K., Schaefer M., Culmsee H., Leuschner C. (2008): Are they still there? Assessing change in biodiversity of planthoppers and leafhoppers since the 1950s. Poster at the “15th Auchenorrhyncha Meeting“. Darmstadt.