In publica commoda

Press release: Göttingen University posts steady growth in student population

Nr. 243/2014 - 21.10.2014

Total of 6,000 new enrolees anticipated – aggregate number exceeds 28,700 students

(pug) For winter semester 2014/2014, around 6,000 new students are anticipated to enrol in Göttingen University. That’s roughly five percent more than last year. Similar to last year, around 4,300 of the newly enrolling students are starting their first semester ever at an institution of higher learning. The aggregate number of all students attending Göttingen University in winter semester 2014/2015 will thus rise to more than 28,700 – over 1,000 students more than last year and the highest number since 1998. „We’re delighted that the demand for our curricular offerings has increased yet again“, says Professor Ruth Florack, Vice President for Teaching and Learning.

For winter semester 2014/2015, Göttingen University has again used funds from the Higher Education Pact 2020 to create more than 1,000 additional university places for first-year students, especially for programmes leading to a Bachelor’s or state examination degree, where there is a particularly high demand. Additional professorships and teaching positions in many subjects are primarily funded by monies from the Higher Education Pact and the project Göttingen Campus QPLUS, which is funded via the „Quality Pact for Teaching“.

For further information on student numbers at Göttingen University, please visit

Professor Ruth Florack
University of Göttingen
Vice President for Teaching and Learning
Wilhelmsplatz 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
Phone +49 551 39-13110