In publica commoda


Target group The Dorothea Schlözer Mentoring Program aims at supporting female postdoctoral researchers (up to 3 years after PhD, plus times of child care) and last phase PhD candidates of the Göttingen Campus on their way to leading positions in research and society.

Application phase for round 1515 October - 15 November 2024
! Please contact Dr. Vera Bissinger before application, to clarify the fit with your individual situation.
Application documents: Online Application via this link
Together with the filled online application form, the following documents have to be uploaded (Please, save all documents in form of one single PDF file, max. 100 MB, and name it as follows):
postdoc-lastname.pdf (applies to all postdoctoral researchers)
phd-lastname.pdf (applies to all doctoral candidates)

1. Motivation letter: Why do I want to attend the mentoring programme? (max. 1 page DinA4)
2. CV
3. List of publications
4. Brief and comprehensible description of own research (max. 1/2 page DinA4)

Interviews with shortlisted applicants9, 10, 11 December 2024.
The interview will be conducted by the coordinator and a member of the scientific advisory committee. The final group of mentees will be selected based upon several criteria, e.g. career potential, motivation for mentoring and individual situation.
Start of the 15th round12 March 2025

Mentees Attachment to Göttingen Campus is mandatory for application. Mentees must have a contract as a postdoctoral researcher with any of these institutions or be a PhD candidate at Göttingen University.

Matching The matching of each individual mentor/mentee tandem will be performed by the coordinator, based on the mentee's individual wishes and suggestions. Mentors are professors of Göttingen Campus.

Financial contribution & language skills The financial contribution for participating in this mentoring programme is 80 Euro.
Please, note that all events and workshops of the mentoring programme are in English. Therefore good English knowledge is necessary for participation.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact the Central Coordination Mentoring.