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Collection of Sculptures

The University of Göttingen's Collection of Scul­ptures can be sub­divi­ded into three dif­fering sec­tions. The first con­tains mar­ble and plaster busts de­pic­ting signi­ficant cha­racters in the institution's history, as is typical for a uni­versity col­lection. Among these scul­ptures, the bust of legal historian Christian August Gottlieb Goede (1774–1812) com­pleted in 1813 by Johann Gottfried Schadow (1764–1850), is of par­ticular interest; students and col­leagues of the scholar comvmissioned this work in his memory. Also note­worthy, not least for its close-to-reality but less-than-flattering depiction of the subject, is Friedrich Wilhelm Doell's (1750–1816) bust of mathe­matician and physicist Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner (1719–1800), sculpted in 1800.

In addition to these scul­ptural por­traits in stone or plaster of per­sonages re­presenting the uni­versity's history, the col­lection also con­tains a small num­ber of wooden scul­ptures from the 14th-18th cen­turies. These originate from a variety of re­gions and con­texts. It is be­lieved that the uni­versity received the first of them – de­picting three sleeping boys on the Mount of Olives and crafted in 1500 – in 1902 as a be­quest from Privy Councillor Professor Karl Ewald Hasse. Then, in 1907, a Swabian School Madonna with Child, which had be­longed to Professor Wilhelm Dilthey, came into the Göttingen col­lection. On this basis, several items were pur­chased during the 1920s and 1930s with the sup­port of the Universitätsbund, in­cluding the oldest scul­pture in the collection, which dates back to the early 14th century. Further sculptures came to the university from the private collection of Justus Theodor Valentiner (1869–1952), who had wor­ked in the service of the uni­versity as curator.

The third and final section of this co­llection con­sists of scul­ptures by well-known modern artists pur­chased over the course of the uni­versity's history. Among them are six pre­liminary designs for an 'Art in Architecture' com­petition that date from the 1980s, including pieces by Horst Antes (b. 1936) and Otto Herbert Hajek (1927–2005). In its entirety, the Collection of Scul­ptures provides an un­usually com­pre­hensive cross-section of scul­ptural art history from the Middle Ages until the present day.

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