Bachelor and Master topics

The following list is a suggestion of topics for bachelor and master theses. Individual topic suggestions can also be used and expanded as suggestions for master's theses. A focus within individual topics will be set in the first phase of the supervision process and should be substantially shaped by the author of the thesis. In addition, own topic suggestions are expressly welcome!

If no master theses are listed separately, you are encouraged to contact us with your own topic suggestions or to enter them directly in the application form. For this purpose, please orientate yourself on the respective topics of the employees. Please also feel free to contact us personally.

You can download the topic suggestions including description here.

  1. Strong together? Opportunities and obstacles to interprofessional collaboration in hospitals (Bachelor Thesis)

  2. Global collaboration in the digital age: An analysis of the potential and challenges of virtual teams (Bachelor Thesis)

  3. How do start-ups ensure their survival? Entrepreneurial actions for successful investment procurement (Bachelor Thesis)

  4. Downsizing - Opportunities and challenges based on a selected company example (Bachelor Thesis)

  5. Own topic proposal (Bachelor or Master Thesis)