Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter-Tobias Stoll
Peter-Tobias Stoll is a Professor for Public and Public International Law (International Economic Law) at the University of Göttingen. He co-directs the Institute for International Law and European Law and heads the Department for International Economic and Environmental Law. Further, he serves as one of the Directors of the Institute for Agricultural Law at Faculty. His research focus is on international and European law, particularly on economic and environmental law.
Tobias extensively publishes on international economic and environmental law, including in the Heidelberg Journal, RGDIP, Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Max-Planck- Encyclopedia for Public International Law and he co-edits the Commentaries on World Trade Law. He co-chairs the Interest Group on International Economic Law of the European Society of International Law and has been one of the conveners of the Study Group on Preferential Trade Agreements of the International Law Association. He has been nominated by the European Commission to the newly established pool of potential arbitrators and experts for dispute settlement under EU trade and investment agreements.
Tobias occasionally acted as a member of German delegations to multilateral negotiations and works with the United Nations, the European Parliament, the German Federal Parliament, the German Federal Government, the German development cooperation agency (GIZ) and advises several governmental and non-governmental organizations. At faculty, Tobias served as the Dean for Studies and as Dean for Research. He is in charge for internationalization and for the coordination of Erasmus exchanges and acts as a mentor for the German National Academic Foundation. Also, he chairs the Ethics Committee of the University of Göttingen.
Tobias studied law and political sciences in Hamburg, Lausanne and Bonn and passed the two legal state examinations in 1978 and 1984 in the Cologne and Hamburg district courts. He has been a junior research fellow at the Walther-Schücking-Institute for International Law at Kiel University, where he obtained his Dr. iur. Kiel in 1993. Thereafter, he served as a senior research fellow at the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public and International Law in Heidelberg and passed his habilitation at Heidelberg Faculty in 2001. Afterwards he was appointed as a Professor at the University of Göttingen. Tobias has been visiting at Addis Abeba (Civil Service College), Berkeley, Berne (WTI), Cambridge, Florence (EUI), Geneva, Milano (Bocconi), Minneapolis, Moscow (HSE), Nanjing, Paris II, Sao Paulo und St. Petersburg.