
Since 2020: Formation of a research group on the topic Giovanni Boccaccio - Esposizioni sopra la Commedia di Dante (Regular Zoom-Meetings)

  • International conference on the topic "Lecturae Dantis Boccaccii. Lectures des Esposizioni sopra la Comedia di Dante" at the Université de Tours, organised by Sabrina Ferrara and Franziska Meier
    06./07. June 2023
  • Conference on the topic "Das vernachlässigte Spätwerk Giovanni Boccaccios: Le Esposizioni sopra la Commedia di Dante Alighieri"
    19.-20. October 2023, Universität Göttingen, Tagungszentrum an der Sternwarte
  • Currently under preparation:
    Historisch-kritische Edition von Giovanni Boccaccio - Esposizioni sopra la Commedia di Dante innerhalb der neuen Gesamtausgabe der Werke Boccaccios (DeGruyter), hg. von Franziska Meier, Enrika Zanin und Matthias Roick

Currently, Franziska Meier and Lorenzo Dell'Oso are editing a Special Issue of the online journal "Humanities" entitled 'In terra per le vostre scole' (Par. XXIX, 70): Dante's Paradiso and the Medieval Academic World.
The Special Issue includes contributions in English that investigate from different points of view Dante's complex relationship with the medieval academic world as it emerges in the Paradiso, as well as contributions that shed light on the protagonists or debates of the medieval academic world that play a role in the third cantica.
For more information, see here:

Lorenzo Dell'Oso - Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow

Lorenzo Dell’Oso is an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow at the Georg August University of Göttingen (2022-2024). He is currently working on his first monograph, provisionally entitled Il poeta e le “scuole delli religiosi”: la formazione scolastica di Dante a Firenze (1290-1302) (‘The Poet and the ‘Schools of the Religious Orders’: Dante’s ‘Scholastic’ Formation in Florence (1290-1302)’). The monograph aims to shed light on the period when Dante was in Florence in the 1290s and during the ‘thirty months’ in which, as he recounts in the Convivio, philosophy revealed itself to him after he had attended the “schools of the religious orders” and the “disputations of the philosophers.” The aim is to investigate what Dante may have learnt in the mendicant monasteries; how he reacted to the teachings of the friars; whether the works written in those years (Vita nova, Rime) bear traces of his contacts with the schools; and how his contacts with these circles may have influenced his poetic production in later years, especially during his exile, from the Convivio to the Commedia.

Profile page of Lorenzo Dell'Oso