Höhne, J.K, Cornesse, C., Schlosser, S, Couper, M.P., & Blom, A. (in press). Looking up answers to political knowledge questions in web surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly.
Schlosser S, Toninelli, D., & Cameletti, M. (2021). Comparing Methods to Collect and Geolocate Tweets in Great Britain. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), 1–44. Link
Kern, C., Höhne, J.K., Schlosser, S. , & Revilla, M. (2020). Completion conditions and response behavior in smartphone surveys: A prediction approach using acceleration data. Social Science Computer Review. Link
Höhne, J.K., Schlosser, S., Couper, M.P. & Blom, A.G. (2020). Switching away: Exploring on-device media multitasking in web surveys. Computers in Human Behavior 111. Link
Toninelli, D., Schlosser, S. & Cameletti, M. (2020). Comparing Methods to Retrieve Tweets: a Sentiment Approach. CARMA 2020 - 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics. Link
Höhne, J.K., Revilla, M., & Schlosser, S. (2020): Motion instructions in surveys: Compliance, acceleration, and response quality. International Journal of Market Research, 62(1), 43–57. Link
Mays, A., Dingelstedt, A., Hambauer, V., Schlosser, S., Berens, F., Leibold, J., & Höhne, J.K. (2020). Grundlagen – Methoden – Anwendungen in den Sozialwissenschaften. Festschrift zu Ehren von Steffen M. Kühnel. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Link
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2020). Embedded Client Side Paradata (ECSP). Link
Höhne, J.K., & Schlosser, S. (2019): SurveyMotion: what can we learn from sensor data about respondents’ completion and response behavior in mobile web surveys?. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 22(4), 379–391. Link
Schlosser, S., Toninelli, D., Fabris, S. (2019). Looking for Efficient Methods to Collect and Geolocalise Tweets. Smart Statistics for Smart Applications, 1057–1062. Link
Rosebrock, A., Schlosser, S., Höhne, J.K., & Kühnel, S.M. (2019). Einflüsse unterschiedlicher Formen der Verbalisierung von Antwortskalen auf das Antwortverhalten von Befragungspersonen. In N. Menold & T. Wolbring (Eds.), Qualitätssicherung sozialwissenschaftlicher Erhebungsinstrumente (pp. 63–100). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Link
Schlosser, S., & Mays, A. (2018). Mobile and Dirty — Does Using Mobile Devices Affect the Data Quality and the Response Process of Online Surveys? Social Science Computer Review, 36 (2), 212–230. Link
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2018). Embedded Client Side Paradata (ECSP). Link
Toninelli, D., Cameletti, M., & Schlosser, S. (2018). New Frontiers in Measuring the Well-Being in the Big Data Era. In 2018 JSM Proceedings, Statistical Computing Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. 2094–2109. Link
Höhne, J.K., & Schlosser, S. (2018). Investigating the adequacy of response time outlier definitions in computer-based web surveys using paradata SurveyFocus. Social Science Computer Review, 36(3), 369–378. Link
Höhne, J.K., Schlosser, S., & Krebs, D. (2017). Investigating Cognitive Effort and Response Quality of Question Formats in Web Surveys. Field Methods, 29(4), 365–382. Link
Silber, H., Höhne, J.K., & Schlosser, S. (2016). Question Order Experiments in the German-European Context. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. Link
Schlosser, S. (2016). Embedded Client Side Paradata (ECSP). Link
Konferenzen |
03/2021 | Covid, Crisis, Care and Change?
Buck, E. V., Franke, Y., Schlosser, S., & Thiele-Manjali, U. (2021). Care, Career, Corona: Gender relations in academia under the burning glass of the pandemic. Dresden, Germany.
09/2020 | 22th General Online Research Conference GOR 2020
Cameletti, M., Schlosser, S., Toninelli, D., & Fabris, S. (2020). Semiautomatic dictionary-based classification of environment tweets by topic. GOR 2020, Berlin, Germany.
07/2020 | CARMA 2020 - 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics
Schlosser, S., Toninelli, D. & Cameletti, M. (2020). Comparing Methods to Retrieve Tweets: a Sentiment Approach, Sevilia, Spain.
11/2019 | ASI / DGS Methodensektion - Empirische Sozialforschung in Zeiten der Digitalisierung
Schlosser, S., Höhne, J.K., & Qureshi, D. (2019). SurveyMaps: Eine sensorbasierte Ergänzung zu GPS in mobilen Online-Umfragen, Köln, Germany.
07/2019 | European Survey Research Association Conference ESRA 2019
Schlosser, S., Höhne, J.K., & Qureshi, D. (2019). SurveyMaps: A Sensor-Based Supplement to GPS in Mobile Web Surveys. ESRA 2019, Zagreb, Croatia.
Kern, C., Schlosser, S., Höhne, J.K., & Revilla, M. (2019). Predicting Completion Conditions in Mobile Web Surveys with Acceleration Data. ESRA 2019, Zagreb, Croatia.
Höhne, J.K., Cornesse, C., Schlosser, S., Couper, M.P., & Blom, A. (2019).Looking Up the Right Answer: Errors of Optimization when Answering Political Knowledge Questions in Web Surveys. ESRA 2019, Zagreb, Croatia.
06/2019 | Smart Statistics for Smart Applications SIS 2019
Schlosser, S., Toninelli, D., & Fabris, S. (2019). Looking for Efficient Methods to Collect and Geolocalise Tweets. SIS 2019, Milan, Italy.
03/2019 | 21th General Online Research Conference GOR 2019
Schlosser, S., Höhne, J.K., & Qureshi, D. (2019). SurveyMaps: A sensor-based supplement to GPS in mobile web surveys. GOR 2019, Cologne, Germany.
Schlosser, S., Cameletti, M., Toninelli, D., & Fabris, S. (2019). Optimized Strategies for Enhancing the Territorial Coverage in Twitter Data Collection. GOR 2019, Cologne, Germany.
Höhne, J.K., Cornesse, C., Schlosser, S., Couper, M.P., & Blom, A. (2019). Looking up the right answer: Errors of optimization when answering political knowledge questions in web surveys. GOR 2019, Cologne, Germany.
03/2019 | Mobile Apps and Sensors in Surveys MASS 2019
Schlosser, S., Höhne, J.K., & Qureshi, D. (2019). SurveyMaps: A sensor-based supplement to GPS in mobile web surveys. MASS 2019, Mannheim, Germany.
Qureshi, D., Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2019). Merits and limits of collecting JavaScript-based sensor data in mobile web surveys. MASS 2019, Mannheim, Germany.
Kern, C., Höhne, J.K., Schlosser, S., & Revilla, M. (2019). SurveyMotion: Predicting completion conditions in mobile web surveys by using acceleration data. MASS 2019, Mannheim, Germany.
02/2019 | Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Department of Management, Economics and Quantitative Methods (invited talk)
Schlosser, S., Höhne, J.K., & Qureshi, D. (2019). Using SurveyMaps as a sensor-based extension to GPS position data in mobile web surveys. Bergamo, Italy.
Schlosser, S., Höhne, J.K. (2019). Embedded Client Side Paradata Exploring behavior of web survey respondents. Bergamo, Italy.
12/2018 | GESIS Mannheim (invited talk)
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2018). Embedded Client Side Paradata: Future applications and perspectives of passive data collection in web surveys. Mannheim, Germany.
10/2018 | BigSurv 2018
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2018). Merits and Limits of Measuring the Total Acceleration of Smartphones in Mobile Web Surveys Using SurveyMotion. Barcelona, Spain.
Höhne, J.K., Revilla M., & Schlosser, S. (2018). The Impact of Motion Instructions on the Acceleration of Smartphones and Completion Times in Web Surveys. Barcelona, Spain.
Höhne, J.K., & Schlosser, S. (2018). SurveyMotion: What Can We Learn From Sensor Data About Respondents' Actions in Mobile Web Surveys? Barcelona, Spain.
08/2018 | SFB 884 Political Economy Of Reforms Universität Mannheim (invited talk)
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2018). ECSP – Embedded Client Side Paradata. Mannheim, Germany.
07/2018 | The Joint Statistical Meetings JSM 2018
Toninelli, D., Cameletti, M., & Schlosser, S. (2018). New Frontiers in Measuring the Wellbeing in the Big
Data Era. Vancouver, Canada.
03/2018 | 20th General Online Research Conference GOR 2018
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2018). Workshop: Embedded Client Side Paradata. Cologne, Germany.
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2018). Sensor Data: Measuring Acceleration of Smartphones in Mobile Web Surveys. Cologne, Germany.
Höhne, J.K., & Schlosser, S. (2018). Sensor Data: Exploring Respondents' Motion Levels in Mobile Web Surveys using SurveyMotion. Cologne, Germany.
Berens, F., Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2018). On-Device and Off-Device Multitasking and its Effects on Web and Mobile Web Survey Completion. Cologne, Germany.
Rogalski, A., Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2018). Scrolling Behavior and its Influence on Completion Times and Data Quality in (Mobile) Web Surveys. Cologne ,Germany.
01/2018 | RECSM Universitat Pompeu Fabra (invited talk)
Höhne, J.K., & Schlosser, S. (2018). SurveyMotion: What can we learn from sensor data about respondents’ actions in mobile web surveys? Barcelona, Spain.
12/2017 | Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Department of Management, Economics and Quantitative Methods (invited talk)
Schlosser, S. (2017). What Additional Information can Paradata Provide in (Mobile) Web Surveys? Bergamo, Italy.
Schlosser, S. (2017). Basic Web Scraping using R. Bergamo, Italy.
11/2017 | Herbsttagung der ASI und DGS-Sektion Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
Schlosser, S., Höhne, J.K., & Rosebrock, A. (2017). Antwortskalen: Unterschiede aufgrund der Verbalisierung von Kategorien. Berlin, Germany.
07/2017 | European Survey Research Association Conference ESRA 2017
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2017). Does the Continuity of Web-Survey Processing Matter? Lisbon, Portugal.
03/2017 | 19th General Online Research Conference GOR 2017
Höhne, J.K., & Schlosser, S. (2017). Continuity of Web-Survey Completion and Response Behavior. Berlin, Germany.
11/2016 | International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation, and Testing QDET2 2016
Höhne, J.K., Schlosser, S., & Krebs, D. (2016). Survey Focus: A New Procedure Defining Response Time Outliers in Web Surveys. Miami, FL USA.
05/2016 | 71st Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research AAPOR 2016
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2016). A Closer Look at Response Time Outliers using Paradata “SurveyFocus”. Austin, TX USA.
Höhne, J.K., Schlosser, S., & Krebs, D. (2016). Investigating Cognitive Effort of Response Formats in Web Surveys using Paradata. Austin, TX USA.
05/2016 | 69th Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research WAPOR 2016
Silber, H., Höhne, J.K., & Schlosser, S. (2016). Underreporting Support for Europe: Question Order Experiments in the German
-European Context. Austin, TX USA.
03/2016 | 18th General Online Research Conference GOR 2016
Schlosser, S., & Höhne, J.K. (2016). The Adequacy of Response Time Outlier Definitions Based on Response Time Distributions in Web Surveys: A Paradata Usability Study. Dresden, Germany.
Höhne, J.K., Schlosser, S., & Krebs, D. (2016). Analyzing Cognitive Burden of Survey Questions with Paradata: A Web Survey Experiment. Dresden, Germany.
05/2015 | 70th American Association for Public Opinion Research AAPOR 2015
Silber, H., Leibold, J., Lischewski, J., & Schlosser, S. (2015). A Systematic Generation of an Email Pool for Web Surveys. Hollywood, FL USA.
04/2014 | Spring meeting of the DGS section Methods of empirical social research, DGS 2014
Schlosser, S., & Mays, A. (2014). Mobile and dirty? Ein Experiment zur Datenqualität von mobilen Online-Umfragen. Eichstedt, Germany.