Apl. Prof. Dr. Camilla Di Biase-Dyson
Junior Professor for Egyptology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Research Interests:
Ancient Egyptian literature, script and language, metaphor research, linguistics (discourse analysis, semantics, pragmatics, typology of language, cognitive linguistics, theory of translation), medicine, cultural studies and anthropology
- November 2012–July 2019
Junior Professor for Egyptology at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Winter Term 2018/19
Senior Research Fellow of the Excellence Cluster TOPOI. Project: The Stability of Healing Processes in Egyptian Medical Texts: From formulae to medical reality. - Summer Term 2016
Senior Research Fellow of the Excellence Cluster TOPOI. Project: The sickness within. Spatial metaphors in Ancient Egyptian medical texts - 2012–2017
Associate Fellow, Excellence Cluster 264: TOPOI. Project (with Frank Kammerzell): Grounded in space? Diachronic and cognitive approaches to spatial metaphors in written Egyptian. - 2010-2012
Postdoctoral fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Project: The space of time in Ancient Egyptian language. Functional, diachronic, typological and cognitive perspectives. - 2009-2010
Junior Research Fellow of the Excellence Cluster 264: TOPOI, Project: Back(wards) to the Future. The orientation and metaphorical significance of the Egyptian prepositions r-HA.t 'in front/before' and m-xt 'behind/after'. - 2004-2008
Dissertation at Macquarie University, Sydney supervised by Associate Professor Boyo Ockinga. Dissertation: Characterisation across Frontiers: Foreigners and Egyptians in the "Late Egyptian Stories" from linguistic and literary perspectives. - 2000-2003
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Ancient History at Macquarie University, Sydney. Honours Thesis: Reinterpreting Amenemheb's Travels in Syria. Linguistic and Toponymic Analyses of his Autobiography.
Research Projects
- Metaphor in Ramesside Texts: A lexicosemantic and genre-based approach
- The medical Papyrus Hearst – A new annotated translation (in collaboration with the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, SAW Leipzig)
- How long does it take to heal? Time and medical practice in Ancient Egypt (with funding from the Berliner Antike-Kolleg, Einstein Center Chronoi)
- 2013
Foreigners and Egyptians in the Late Egyptian Stories. Linguistic, literary and historical perspectives. [Probleme der Ägyptologie 32]. Leiden. Brill. - Submitted. with M. Egg (Eds.), Drawing attention to metaphor. Case studies across time periods, cultures and modalities [Figurative Thought and Language]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishers.
- 2017
With L. Donovan et al., The Cultural Manifestations of Religious Experience. Studies in Honour of Boyo G. Ockinga [Ägypten und Altes Testament 85]. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. - Submitted. With the Egyptian Medicine Working Group, Göttingen, The Medical Papyrus Hearst, Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae.
- 2016. Wege und Abwege. Zu den Metaphern der ramessidischen Weisheitsliteratur, Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 143(1), 22-33.
- 2016. (with F. Horn, C. Breytenbach, M. Egg, T. Fuhrer, V. Lobsien, R. Schlesier, J. Stenger and B. Trînca) Spatial Metaphors of the Ancient World: Theory and Practice, eTopoi – Journal for Ancient Studies Special Volume 6: "Space and Knowledge. Topoi Research Group Articles", 453-480.
- 2014. Multiple Dimensions of Interpretation. Reassessing the Magic Brick Berlin ÄMP 15559, Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 43, 93-107.
- 2008. Reconsidering Reported Speech in Late Egyptian: A Contextual Approach, Lingua Aegyptia 16, 39-63.
- 2017. Metaphor (UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology), (17 pp.).
- Submitted. Typological approaches to attention-drawing strategies in Ancient Egyptian metaphorical language. In C. Di Biase-Dyson and M. Egg (Eds.), Drawing attention to metaphor. Case studies across time periods, cultures and modalities [Figurative Thought and Language]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishers 46 pages.
- Submitted. (with M. Egg) Introduction to the debate. In C. Di Biase-Dyson and M. Egg (Eds.), Drawing attention to metaphor. Case studies across time periods, cultures and modalities [Figurative Thought and Language]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishers, 28 pages.
- 2016. Spatial metaphors as rhetorical figures. Case studies from wisdom texts of the Egyptian New Kingdom. In F. Horn and C. Breytenbach (Eds) Spatial Metaphors. Texts and Transformations. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 39. Berlin: Edition Topoi, 43-65.
- Submitted. (with B. Großkopf) Mummies in teaching and research. Case studies from an interdisciplinary teaching project at the University of Göttingen, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Comparative Mummy Studies, Hildesheim, April 2016, 8 pages.
- In press. (with B. Großkopf) Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1742–1850). Mumienforscher in Vor-ägyptologischer Zeit. In J. Arp-Neumann and T. L. Gertzen (Eds.), „Steininschrift und Bibelwort“. Ägyptologen und Koptologen in Niedersachsen [Ta-Mehu. Ägyptologie in Norddeutschland 2]. Rahden/Westf.: Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, 93–98.
- 2019. Narratives by Ancient Egyptians and of Ancient Egypt. A State of the Art. In A. Verbovsek, B. Backes and D. Serova (Eds.), Narrativ: Geschichte – Mythos – Repräsentation. Beiträge des achten Berliner Arbeitskreises Junge Aegyptologie (BAJA 8) [Göttinger Orientforschungen IV]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 39–63.
- 2018. The figurative network. Tracking the use of metaphorical language in Ramesside literary texts. In S. Kubisch and U. Rummel (Eds.), The Ramesside Period in Egypt: Studies into Cultural and Historical Processes of the 19th and 20th Dynasties, Proceedings of the International Symposium held at Heidelberg, 5th to 7th June, 2015 [Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Insituts, Abteilung Kairo 41]. Berlin: De Gruyter, 33–44.
- 2018. (with G. Chantrain) Making a case for multidimensionality in Ramesside figurative language. In D. A. Werning (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics (Crossroads V) Berlin, February 17–20, 2016 [Lingua Aegyptia 25]. Hamburg: Widmaier, 41–66.
- 2017. A nautical metaphor for obedience and a likely case of negated disjunction in Egyptian. In C. Di Biase-Dyson, L. Donovan et al. (Eds), The Cultural Manifestations of Religious Experience. Studies in Honour of Boyo G. Ockinga [Ägypten und Altes Testament 85]. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 355–362.
- 2017. Introduction. In C. Di Biase-Dyson, L. Donovan et al. (Eds), The Cultural Manifestations of Religious Experience. Studies in Honour of Boyo G. Ockinga [Ägypten und Altes Testament 85]. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, xxxv–xli.
- 2017. Metaphor in The Teaching of Menena. Between Rhetorical Innovation and Tradition. In T. Gillen (Ed.), (Re)productive Traditions in Ancient Egypt. Proceedings of the conference held at the University of Liège, 6th-8th February 2013 [Aegyptiaca Leodiensia 10]. Liège: Presses universitaires de Liège, 163–179.
- 2015. Two Characters in Search of an Ending: The Case of Apophis and Seqenenre. In P. Kousoulis (Ed), Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Egyptologists, Rhodes, May 2008 [Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 241]. Leuven: Peeters, 1323-1332.
- 2015. Amenemheb's Excellent Adventure in Syria. New Insights from Discourse Analysis and Toponymics. In G. Neunert, A. Verbovsek, K. Gabler and C. Jones, (Eds), Text: Wissen - Wirkung - Wahrnehmung. Beiträge des vierten Münchner Arbeitskreises Junge Aegyptologie (MAJA 4) [Göttinger Orientforschungen IV/59]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 121-150.
- 2014. At the Boundaries of Reality? Translating spatiality in Ancient Egyptian religious texts. In K. Rezania (Ed.), Raumkonzeptionen in antiken Religionen. Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums in Göttingen, 28. und 29. Juni 2012 [Philippika 69]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 99-113.
- 2012. A diachronic approach to the syntax and semantics of Egyptian spatio-temporal expressions with HA-t 'front'. Implications for cognition and metaphor. In E. Grossman, St. Polis and J. Winand (Eds), Topics in Ancient Egyptian lexical Semantics, Proceedings of the Lexical Semantics Workshop, Université de Liège, Dezember 2009 [Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 9]. Hamburg: Widmaier, 247-292.
- 2009. Linguistic Insights into Characterisation. The Case Study of Wenamun. In M. Müller and S. Uljas (Eds), Proceedings of Crossroads IV, Conference of Egyptian Language Studies, Basel, March 2009 [Lingua Aegyptia 17] Göttingen, 51-64.
- 2009. (with F. Kammerzell and D. Werning) Glossing Ancient Egyptian. In M. Müller and S. Uljas (Eds), Suggestions for adapting the Leipzig Glossing Rules. Proceedings of Crossroads IV, Conference of Egyptian Language Studies, Basel, March 2009 [Lingua Aegyptia 17], 343-366.
- 2013. Richard B. Parkinson and Lisa Baylis, Four 12th Dynasty Literary Papyri (Pap. Berlin P. 3022-5): A Photographic Record, Lingua Aegyptia 21, 289-292.
- 2013. Roland Enmarch and Verena M. Lepper (Eds), Ancient Egyptian Literature. Theory and Practice, Lingua Aegyptia 21, 277-288.
- 2016. (with S. Beyer and N. Wagenknecht) Annotating figurative language: Another perspective for digital Altertumswissenschaften. Online proceedings of DHEgypt2015: Altertumswissenschaften in a Digital Age: Egytplogy, Papyrology, and Beyond, Leipzig, November 2015.
- 2008. Two Characters in Search of an Ending: A Linguistic Approach to an Ancient Egyptian Story. In C. Wu, C.M.I.M. Matthiessen and M. Herke (Eds), Voices Around the World: Proceedings of the 35th International Systemic Functional Congress, Sydney, July 2008, 328-333.
- (with Michael Schultz und Nina Wagenknecht) Healing and medical practice in Ancient Egypt, or: What can be done in four days?
- (with Melanie Glöckner) A doctor's handwriting. Preliminary remarks on the shorthand of recipe-writing in Ancient Egyptian medical texts.
- 16.–17.05.2019
Metaphor in Ancient Egyptian medical texts. Some case studies – and a red herring. RaAM Specialized Seminar: Metaphor Studies at the Intersection of Multiple Disciplines, Université de Liège. - 10.05.2019
The tricky business of finding metaphors in Ancient Egyptian medical texts, Interdisciplinary approaches to Egyptian and Coptic: current works and perspectives, Charles Universtiy Prague. - 25.–26.10.2018
Healing and medical practice in Ancient Egypt, or: What can be done in four days?, Third International Conference on Pharmacy and Medicine in Ancient Egypt, Barcelona (with Michael Schultz and Nina Wagenknecht). - 25.–26.10.2018
A doctor's handwriting. Preliminary remarks on the shorthand of recipe-writing in Ancient Egyptian medical texts, Third International Conference on Pharmacy and Medicine in Ancient Egypt, Barcelona (with Melanie Glöckner). - 01.–02.06.2018
Metaphor identification procedures and texts from the ancient world. Arguments for and against, Figuration as a Line of Argument, Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. - 01.–03.12.2017
Die kulturelle und epistemologische Rolle der Narrative, BAJA 8. Narrative: Geschichte –Mythos – Repräsentation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. - 06.–07.07.2017
Stand-off Annotation to Ancient Egyptian text corpora based on BTS, Linguistic Annotation and Philology Workshop, Leipzig Universität (with Simon Schweitzer). - 01.–02.12.2016
Closing remarks, Paths of Knowledge in Antiquity, TOPOI-Haus Mitte, Berlin. - 07.–08.07.2016
A typological framework of deliberateness for Ancient Egyptian metaphorical language, The premeditated path – Deliberate metaphor in ancient and modern texts, TOPOI-Haus Mitte, Berlin. - 07.–08.07.2016
The premeditated path: An introduction to the debate, The premeditated path? Deliberate metaphor in ancient and modern texts, TOPOI-Haus Mitte, Berlin. - 01.–04.07.2016
Multidimensional metaphors in Ancient Egyptian?, 11th Conference of the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor, Freie Universität Berlin (with Gaelle Chantrain). - 09.–11.06.2016
Spatial metaphor in Ancient Egyptian medical texts: Some case studies (aka. The boundaries of metaphor), Time and Space in Ancient Egypt, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve. - 07.–09.04.2016
Mummies in the classroom. Case studies from an interdisciplinary teaching project at the University of Göttingen, International Conference on Comparative Mummy Studies, Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim (with Birgit Großkopf). - 18.–20.02.2016
Making a case for multdimensionality in Ramesside figurative language, "Crossroads: Whence and whither?", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (with Gaelle Chantrain). - 22.01.2016
"Ich bin für Dich wie ein Esel...". Wie funktionieren Vergleiche in der Sprache der Ramessidenzeit?, Ägyptologische Forschung in Göttingen: Geschichte – Sprache – Religion, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 03.–04.12.2015
Kings like bulls and men like donkeys. Metaphorical language in ancient Egyptian texts, IV Conference on Metaphor and Discourse. New Cognitive Domains in the 21st Century, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana, Spain. - 04.–06.11.2015
Annotating figurative language: Another perspective for digital Altertumswissenschaften, Altertumswissenschaften in a Digital Age: Egyptology, Papyrology and Beyond Conference and Workshop, Universität Leipzig (with Stefan Beyer & Nina Wagenknecht). - 23.–30.08.2015
Similes are like Metaphors. On the use of mj 'like' in ancient Egyptian metaphorical language, International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence. - 11.07.2015
Figurative Sprache in 'Amenemope' und ihre konzeptuellen Quellen, Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz, Trier. - 05.–07.06.2015
The figurative network. Tracking the use of metaphorical language in Ramesside literary texts, Symposium on the Ramesside Period, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. - 28.–29.05.2015
The Role of Metaphor in Ramesside Poetic Language. Some Case Studies', Workshop on Ramesside Texts, Charles University Prague. - 23.04.2015
Die Annotation von Metaphern der Antike - Wo Ägyptologie die Digital Humanities trifft, Digitale Literaturwissenschaft Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 03.–5.09.2014
Narrative Motivierung in den Erzählungen Altägyptens. Woraus entsteht eine nachvollziehbare Handlung?, Die biologisch-kognitiven Grundlagen narrativer Motivierung, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 06.–07.06. 2014
Räumliche Metaphern als rhetorische Stilmittel. Fallstudien aus den Weisheitstexten des ägyptischen Neuen Reiches, Raum-Metaphern in antiken Texten und deren Rezeption, Excellence Cluster 264 TOPOI Berlin. - 08.04.2014
Digitale Datenuntersuchung, Workshop, TOPOI Working Group C. - 29.11–01.12.2013
Amenemhebs verrückte Reise in Syrien. Neue Blickwinkel aus Sicht der Diskurslinguistik und Toponymie. 4. Münchener Arbeitskreis Junge Aegyptologie (MAJA IV): Text: Wissen – Wirkung – Wahrnehmung, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. - 08.–09.11.2013
Wegmetaphern in den Weisheitstexten Altägyptens. Auf dem richtigen Weg? Workshop der Gruppe TOPOI C2 "Space and Metaphor in Cognition, Language and Texts", TOPOI-Haus, Berlin-Mitte. - 28.–30.08.2013
Designing a Metaphor Annotation Layer in the Liège Ramsès Database, Ancient Egyptian: The Future of Annotated Corpora, Université de Liège. - 06.–08.02.2013
Metaphor in ‘The Teaching of Menena’: between rhetorical innovation and tradition? (Re)productive Traditions in Ancient Egypt, Université de Liège. - 20.–25.01.2013
Metaphor across History and Culture (in cooperation with Su’ad Binti Awab, Barbara Muller und Michael Sinding), Metaphor Lab Winter School – The Next Level, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. - 11.–12.07.2012
Die Übersetzung ägyptischer Texte. Theorie und Praxis, Wege zum Ägyptischen. Textaufbereitung und Übersetzung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. - 28.–29.06.2012
At the boundaries of reality? Translating spatiality in ancient Egyptian religious texts. Conceptions of Space in Ancient Religions, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 13.–15-04.2012
A linguistic and historicist approach to Egyptian inscribed objects: Methods of translation and interpretation in the museum context. Double stories – Double lives. Reflecting on Textual Objects in the Pre-Print World, Yale University. - 02.–04.02.2011
The space of time in Ancient Egyptian language. Netzwerktagung der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen. - 11.03.2010
Back(wards) to the Future. Spaces in places, bodies and minds. A year in Review by the TOPOI Junior Research Fellows 2009-2010, Freie Universität Berlin. - 24.–26.02.2010
Ancient Egyptian Spatial Prepositions. Tracking the interaction of diachrony and register, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. - 10.–12.12.2009
When is before? The role of syntax and cognitive frameworks in the semantics of Egyptian spatio-temporal prepositions, Workshop on Lexical Semantics in Ancient Egyptian, Université de Liège. - 19.–22.03.2009
Linguistic Insights into Characterisation. The Case Study of Wenamun, Crossroads IV, Conference of Egyptian Language Studies, Universität Basel. - 21.–25.07.2008
Two Characters in Search of an Ending: A Linguistic Approach to an Ancient Egyptian Story, 35th International Systemic Functional Congress, Sydney. - 22.–29.05.2008
Two Characters in Search of an Ending: The Case of Apophis and Seqenenre, 10. Internationaler Ägyptologenkongress, Rhodes. - 09.2007
'He Said, She Said’. A Reconsideration of Indirect Speech in Late Egyptian, Macquarie University Language Colloquium, Sydney. - 20.–22.04.2007
The 'Doomed Prince' Meets his 'Other’. Foreigners in Ramesside Narrative from Literary and Linguistic Perspectives, American Research Center in Egypt Annual Meeting, Toledo, USA. - 29.11.2018
Metaphern in der Medizin. Fallstudien aus der altägyptischen Textwelt. Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. - 26.03.2018
Die Analyse von Metaphern in religiösen und profanen Texten: Theorie und Praxis. CERES, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. - 05.12.2016
The Empirical Study of Ancient Egyptian Metaphor, Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 17.03.2016
If a man is hot, can he also be cold? Metaphors of temperament in Egyptian texts, Macquarie University, Sydney. - 11.06.2015
Die Hitze, die Stille, die Bäume und die Krokodile. Die Metapherwelt des Amenemope, Plenary at the conference "Neue Forschungen der Ägyptologie in NRW", Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster. - 26.11.2014
Metaphern und Textstruktur in Weisheitstexten des ägyptischen Neuen Reiches, CRC-Kolloquium, Courant Forschungszentrum "Textstrukturen", Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 02.07.2014
Systemic Functional Linguistics – Ein Überblick anhand von altägyptischen Daten, Seminar für Altorientalistik, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 19.06.2014
Response, Kianoosh Rezania, Die altiranischen Raumkoordinationssysteme nach den avestischen und altpersischen Zeugnissen, Göttinger philologisches Forum, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 05.06.2014
Die Wege der Weisen. Metapher in den Weisheitstexten des Neuen Reiches, Universität zu Köln. - 23.01.2014
Wege und Abwege. Zu den Metaphern der ramessidischen Weisheitsliteratur, Vortragsreihe: Altägypten zwischen Völkerschlacht und Science (Fiction), Universität Leipzig. - 23.05.2013
Auf der Suche nach Metaphern in altägyptischen literarischen Texten: Überlegungen zur Anwendung aktueller Metaphernanalyse, Göttinger philologisches Forum, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 20.06.2012
Eine Analyse in drei Dimensionen. Methoden zur Übersetzung und Interpretation beschrifteter Objekte. Berufungsverfahren, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen. - 09.06.2012
Ramessidische Literatur aus linguistischer Perspektive. Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf pharaonisch-ägyptische Weisheitsliteratur, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen. - 23.02.2012
Why I love Ancient Egyptian. ‘Why I love’ Lunchtime Lecture Series, Bristol University. - 27.06.2011
Die Verortung der Zeit im Altägyptischen. Beiträge einer toten Sprache zur Kognitionsforschung. Jahrestagung der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Berlin. - 26.01.2011
Ausländer aus der Sichtweise ägyptischer Autoren. Literarische Fallstudien vom Ende des Neuen Reiches. Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. - 07.12.2010
Der Orient als Vorstellung Altägyptens. Literarische Fallstudien aus dem Neuen Reich. TOPOI CSG V Lesezirkel, Free University Berlin. - 03.06.2010
Word Maps, Mind Maps and World Maps. The Diagrammatics of Lexical Semantics. TOPOI Diagrammatik AG, Freie Universität Berlin. - 20.01.2010
Is Linguistics useful for Egyptology? Paderborn Universität. - 13.06.2018
Fachschaft Ägyptologie-Archäologie lecture series 'Bewegte Bilder'
Die 'ägyptische Sprache' im Sci-Fi Film Stargate, (with Melanie Glöckner). - 21.01.2017
3. Göttinger Nacht des Wissens
Kranksein im alten Ägypten: Vom Symptom zur Arznei (with Lisa Augner, Melanie Glöckner and Anja Roß). - 10.01.2017
Expert floor talk, Egyptian Mummies: Exploring Ancient Lives, MAAS Museum, Sydney
Magic, medicine and other 'insurance policies' in Ancient Egypt - 17.01.2015
2. Göttinger Nacht des Wissens
Lesen Sie Ägyptisch mit mir (in 20 Minuten)!
Sprechen Sie Abydonisch? (Pseudo-)Ägyptisch im Sci-Fi Film Stargate (1994) (with Melanie Glöckner) - 19.10.2014
10. Göttinger Science Slam - 24.11.2012
1. Göttinger Nacht des Wissens, (with Janne Arp-Neumann and students)
Ägypten im Film - 31.05.2016
How long will it take to heal? Time and medical practice in ancient Egypt, Evaluation of the Einstein Center Chronoi, Berliner Antike Kolleg. - 15.02.2010
The Space of Place and Time in Monuments and Texts of the Ancient Near East (with Maria Elena Balza and Vincent Razanajao), TOPOI Project Evaluation. - Since 2015
Co-Editor of the series Göttinger Orientforschungen IV. Reihe: Ägypten - Peer Reviewer for Lingua Aegyptia, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Journal of Egyptian History, Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, Digital Humanities Quarterly and Cogent Arts and Sciences.
- 01.–02.06.2018
(in cooperation with Cilliers Breytenbach und Geeske Brinkmann) Figuration as a Line of Argument, Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. - 14.–16.07.2017
Co-organisation of the Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 18.11.2016
(in cooperation with So Miyagawa) Egyptology meets IT, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 07.–08.07.2016
(in cooperation with Markus Egg) The premeditated path – Deliberate metaphor in ancient and modern texts, Topoi-Haus Mitte, Berlin. - 22.01.2016
Ägyptologische Forschung in Göttingen – Geschichte, Sprache, Religion, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 04.07.2014
Research colloqium, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 11.–12.07.2012
(in cooperation with Frank Kammerzell, Silvia Kutscher, Eliese-Sophia Lincke and Daniel Werning) Wege zum Ägyptischen. Textaufbereitung und Übersetzung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. - March to June 2010, conference 14.–16.05.2010
Assistentant of Thekla Wiebusch, Action Chair des COST Actions A31 für Organisation des COST A31 Abschlusskonferenz Categorizing Human Experience: Classification in Languages and Knowledge Systems, École Normale Supérieure, Paris. - 11.03.2010
(in cooperation with Janne Arp-Neumann) Spaces in places, bodies and minds. A year in Review by the TOPOI Junior Research Fellows 2009-2010, Freie Universität Berlin. - 2015-2017
Mentor for doctoral students as part of the Dorothea-Schlözer-Programm, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - Member, International Association of Egyptologists (IAE)
- Member, Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM)
- Member, Deutsche Gesellschaft der Humboldtianer e.V.
- Member, Universitätsbund Göttingen e.V.
- Member, Centrum Orbis Orientalis und Occidentalis (CORO)
- Member, Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH)
- Member, Forum for Interdisciplinary Religious Studies (FIRST)
- Area Specialist, International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL)
- November 2002 to January 2003
Student assistant of the Macquarie Theban Tombs Project under the direction of Prof. Boyo Ockinga. - 2018/2019: Senior Research Fellowship, Excellence Cluster TOPOI, Berlin
- 2018: Conference funding, Excellence Cluster TOPOI, Berlin
- 2017: Project funding (for database of medical texts), Berliner Antike-Kolleg
- 2016/2017: Project funding (for student assistants), Centrum Orbis Orientalis et Occidentalis (CORO), Göttingen
- 2016: Conference funding, Excellence Cluster TOPOI, Berlin
- 2016: Senior Research Fellowship, Excellence Cluster TOPOI, Berlin
- 2016: Project funding (for student assistants), Forum for Interdisciplinary Religious Studies (FIRST), Göttingen
- 2015: Travel Scholarship, Unibund Göttingen
- 2014: Project funding (for programming), Excellence Cluster TOPOI, Berlin
- 2014: Project funding (for programming), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- 2010–2012: Scholarship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
- 2009–2010: Junior Research Fellowship, Excellence Cluster 264 TOPOI, Vice-Chancellor’s Commendation for Excellence in Postgraduate Research, Macquarie University.
- 2008: Humanities Higher Degree Research Fund, International Office Travel Scholarship, Society for the Study of Early Christianity Travel Grant.
- 2007: Postgraduate Research Fund, Higher Degree Research Fund, International Office Travel Scholarship.
- 2004–2007: Australian Postgraduate Award (Doktorandenstipendium).
- 2004: Munich Reinsurance Supplementary Award, International Office Travel Scholarship.
- 2003: University Medal for Ancient History, Macquarie Ancient History Association Honours Thesis Prize, Honours Scholarship.
- 2002: Macquarie University International Office Travel Scholarship.
- 2000: Macquarie University Innovation Scholarship.
Edited Books
Online Publications
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
Encyclopedia Entries (peer-reviewed)
Contributions in Collected Volumes (peer-reviewed)
Contributions in Collected Volumes (not peer-reviewed)
Published Conference Proceedings
Articles in Preparation
Conference Presentations
Guest Lectures
Public Lectures
Work as Editor
Conference Organisation
Membership of professional organisations, research centres and committees
Scholarships and Awards