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Studying with Children
The university's Family Service supports student parents by offering individual advice on how to best combine student life with family life, and assists them in their search for suitable childcare.

Day-Care Facilities
The Studierendenwerk offers around 250 places in day care facilities:
"Kinderkrippe am Campus" and "am Wall"
"Kita Bunte Welt"
"Kita am Nordcampus" with bilingual education
I-Krippe "Farbkleckse" - integrative day care facility

Emergency Childcare
If your child falls ill, or regular day care is cancelled at short notice, you have the possibility of applying for free day care up to four times per year. Please note that you have to register yourself in the emergency pool at the childcare agency in advance.

Flexible Childcare
In certain cases, students can receive subsidies for childcare. Please contact the Family Service staff.

Sportkindergarten and Daycare at the Medical Center
The University also offers also a "Sportkindergarten"
and a facility for the children of the Medical Center's members

Parent-Child Rooms
Various faculties offer rooms designed for working, playing and nursing babies. The rooms are equipped with computers, internet access, toys and a changing table. The parent-child rooms are intended to bridge gaps in childcare, for instance if the kindergarten is closed in summer or if the child minder is not available. The rooms do not constitute an alternative childcare facility, but rather an important step towards better juggling studying, a job and your family.

Study Saturdays
Family Service offers child care free of charge on Saturdays, held in the Learning and Studying
Building. Study Saturdays also offer the opportunity to meet and get to know other students with children. Prior registration is required.

For more information about other childcare-related topics, please contact the university's Family Service

Family-Friendly Housing
The Studierendenwerk offers a lot of one and two bedroom apartments which are designed to meet the needs of couples with children, or single parents who are studying at the university. Most residential areas have a playground right in front of the house and day care and schools nearby.

Child-Friendly Canteens and Cafeterias
There are highchairs and play corners available in the canteens (Mensa) and cafeterias of the Studierendenwerk. You can reach all dining halls by elevator (e.g. with a stroller, buggy). At the dining facilities Zentralmensa, Mensa am Turm and Nordmensa, there are also nappy-changing rooms available. Children (up to the age of 14) of students receive complimentary meals if their parents show the "MensaKidsCard" at the cashier. for more information.

On the right side or if you scroll down, you find an overview of the non-university day care institutions.