We support young academics
Would you like to start a post-doc to enter an academic career directly after your PhD? Then the Faculty of Chemistry in Göttingen is the right place for you! We support different ways which can lead to a professorship or a tenure-track position in academia.
- Junior professorships
- Habilitations
- Independent young academics group funded by third parties (e.g. Emmy-Noether programme or Liebig scholarship)
Your advantages in Göttingen:
- Early involvement in attractive, interdisciplinary group research projects
- Excellent research environment on the Göttingen Campus with the university, Max-Planck Institute and other scientific high-level institutions
- Modern research infrastructure (use of large appliances, own chemistry workshops, etc.)
- Independent supervision of final theses and PhD projects
- Involvement in teaching
- Competent support in science management by the faculty and university facilities
- Various further education and networking opportunities on site
- Starter pack from the faculty amounting to 15,000 EUR for young academics group led by a female
Did we spark your interest? Please contact our faculty members or get general advice in the faculty deanery to find out more and to find suitable mentors for the start of your academic career. Young academics currently active in the faculty are happy to share their experiences with you.
Current young academics groups in alphabetic order:
Dr. Oliver Bünermann, Habilitand, Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. Alec Wodtke
Internetseite der Gruppe
Dr. Daniel Janßen-Müller, Liebig-Stipendiat am Institut für Organische und Biomolekulare Chemie
Internetseite der Gruppe
Dr. Nathalie Kunkel, Juniorprofessorin am Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Internetseite der Gruppe
Dr. Anna Krawczuk, Juniorprofessorin am Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Internetseite der Gruppe
Dr. Matthias Otte, Habilitand, Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider
Internetseite der Gruppe
Dr. Daniel Obenchain, Juniorprofessor am Institut für Physikalische Chemie
Internetseite der Gruppe
Dr. Tim Schäfer, Habilitand, Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. Alec Wodtke
Internetseite der Gruppe
Dr. Christian Sindlinger, Postdoc, Arbeitskreis Prof. Dr. Dietmar Stalke
Internetseite der Gruppe
Dr. Lisa Vondung , Institut für Anorganische Chemie
Website under construction
Dr. Johannes Walker, Juniorprofessor am Institut für Organische und Biomolekulare Chemie
Internetseite der Gruppe
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