In publica commoda

The University of Göttingen against Xenophobia

The University of Göttingen prides itself on being a cosmopolitan, open-minded institution of higher education. Outstanding science thrives on diversity and international exchange. Our University currently works collaboratively with institutions of higher education in 116 countries. At present, at total of 3,380 international students are engaged in teaching, academia and research at the University of Göttingen; this accounts for over 12 percent of our students. Eighteen percent of our academic staff hails from abroad.
Without international exchange, without students, doctoral candidates, scholars, academics and scientists from all over the world, the University would not only be less successful and the city of Göttingen would be less rich in diversity, but they would also be economically less prosperous as well. That is only one reason why we are work together with the city, our affiliates on the Göttingen Campus and many other initiatives to practice a welcoming culture in our everyday lives by showing cosmopolitanism, world-openness and tolerance and are evolving constantly.
Moreover, we aim to help our society face the challenges of coping with the influx of refugees and supporting the people who have fled to Germany to escape from the scourges of war, violence, poverty and hunger. Therein, we especially see a chance to contribute to more openness, transparency and diversity at the University, in our town and in society. That is also why we are taking part in the nationwide campaign "Universities for openness, tolerance and against xenophobia" initiated by the German Rectors' Conference.


Eighteen percent of our academic personnel and 12 percent of our professors hail from abroad. Annually, our Welcome Centre offers services to more than 200 new international visiting scholars, researchers and fellows who maintain innumerable relationships with their fellow colleagues all over the world, traveling internationally for academic and research projects, to teach and attend conferences, whilst receiving legions of guests to share expertise with here in Göttingen.

International relations:

The global partnerships and cooperation projects ongoing at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen make a key contribution to the University's international profile. Our University provides myriad exchange opportunities for students, teachers and staff. We presently offer 1,400 exchange programme options at 517 institutions of higher education in 76 countries. Our University currently runs 778 cooperation projects with 872 institutions of higher education in 116 countries.

Research on migration and diversity

The topics of diversity and migration are also research subjects at the University, among others at the:
  • Institute of Diversity Science
  • Professor Sabine Hess at the Institute for Cultural Anthropology
  • Professor Christine Langenfeld at the Faculty of Law
  • Professor Gabriele Rosenthal at the Center of Methods in Social Sciences
  • as well as at other affiliated institutions on the Göttingen Campus
  • Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen
  • Videos

    External Youtube content

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    Video on the start of winter semester 2015/16

    Further information

  • Göttingen International Office
  • GöGuide – Guide to Göttingen
  • Programmes offered for refugees