In publica commoda

Press release: Prof. Stephan Klasen Appointed a Member of the UN Committee for Development Policy

Nr. 150/2012 - 15.08.2012

Göttingen development economist Germany’s sole representative on the committee

(pug) Prof. Stephan Klasen, Ph.D., Professor of Development Economics at the University of Göttingen, has been appointed a member of the Committee for Development Policy by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. He was nominated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon. Prof. Klasen’s three-year term of office begins on January 1, 2013. He is Germany’s only representative on this committee.

The Economic and Social Council is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations and serves as the central forum addressing economic, social and developmental issues. Its work includes the preparation of measures aimed at raising the general standard of living and proposals to solve international problems in the areas of economics, social affairs and health. The Council also deals with the support of human rights. The Committee for Development Policy advises the Economic and Social Council and, in particular, makes recommendations on the inclusion and placement of countries in the category of least developed countries. As a result, these countries receive special assistance from the international community of states.

Economist Prof. Stephan Klasen, Ph.D., who was born in 1966, has been lecturing and researching at the University of Göttingen since September 2003. His focal research areas include measurement and analysis of poverty and inequality in developing countries. Prof. Klasen is coordinator of the Göttingen Courant Research Centre ‘Poverty, Equity and Growth in Developing Countries’ and co-speaker of the Göttingen DFG Research Training Group ‘Globalization and Development’. A member of the European Development Network, Prof. Klasen is also Managing Editor of the international journal ‘Review of Income and Wealth’.

Contact address:
Prof. Dr. Stephan Klasen, Ph.D.
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, 37073 Göttingen
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39-7303, Fax +49 (0)551 39-7302