In publica commoda

Press release: International students as subtenants

Nr. 144/2015 - 18.06.2015

University asks Göttingen citizens to help students find lodging

(pug) Come winter semester 2015/16, the University of Göttingen will be welcoming a multitude of international exchange students to the "city that creates knowledge". Their start in a new city – not to mention in a new country – is not always easy. Accommodation plays a key role for them to get settled and feel at home. Before their arrival, the University's Accommodation Service helps international students to find a place to stay, but faced with the increasing numbers of students, there is not always enough room for all students in the dormitories or on the housing market. Finding accommodation poses extreme difficulties for those foreign students who cannot go looking in person.

For this reason, the Accommodation Service of Göttingen University is enlisting the support of the citizens of Göttingen. For landlords, limited-time accommodation has positive side effects: "Experiencing a foreign culture, teaching tenants about your own culture, sharing experiences and improving your language skills – these are all the benefits awaiting those who take in international students as subtenants," Helena Hoffmann, Accommodation Service Director, points out. "In the best case, besides gaining many new impressions, it is possible to make new friends from all over the world."

Even though the winter semester does not start until October, some students arrive as early as August. Others keep looking for accommodation well into autumn. Anyone with a vacant and, at best, furnished room they would like to rent to a temporary lodger should please contact the Accommodation Service. The contact partner for questions and offers is Helena Hoffmann, who can be reached at the phone number +49 (0)551 39-21338 or by email at The staff at the Accommodation Service will then organise a suitable candidate. "It also goes without saying that we will make ourselves available as contact partners to both rental parties throughout the entire duration of the tenancy," emphasises Helena Hoffmann.

Contact address:
Helena Hoffmann
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
The International Office – Accommodation Service
Von-Siebold-Strasse 2, 37075 Göttingen, Germany
Phone +49 (0)551 39-21338