DAAD Project Funding

Examples of funded formats:

To intensify international cooperation between universities and promote student mobility, the DAAD supports the expansion of transnational teaching and learning opportunities with the following programmes:

The exchange of staff from German universities and their international partners makes a significant contribution to intensifying international relations and shaping sustainable cooperation. For this reason, the DAAD offers a variety of programmes focused on the personnel mobility:

With the goal to establish international cooperation and to enable long-term cooperation, the DAAD supports preparatory trips to international partners in developing countries for employees of German universities:

The DAAD offers a variety of funding programmes to support the organisation of international events in Germany and abroad:

Special attention of the DAAD is paid to the development cooperation. Many funding programmes are designed to establish and expand sustainable structures in higher education and science between industrial and developing countries.
Examples of DAAD funding programmes for development cooperation:

Further information regarding DAAD programmes by thematic focus, region and country of cooperation can be found directly on the Websites of the DAAD.

Examples of the projects, funded by DAAD are IMKD-Project liveSciences³ and IVAC: Change of Perspective - Global Learning: Intercultural Experiences and Interdisciplinary Diversity.

More information about DAAD funding opportunities for Postdocs (Incoming and Outgoing) can be found directly on the Postdocs Funding Opportunities Website.

General advice for applicants

Please note that DAAD proposals, which require the approval of the presidential board of the university, need to be forwarded to Göttingen International at least 2 weeks before the application deadline. This is necessary in order to review the proposal according to the regulations of the call and to ensure that the approval of the presidential board of the university can be obtained in time.

Furthermore, applicants are requested to add the university's advisory for DAAD higher education programmes as project assistantship. For this, please use the following functional email address daad-hochschulprogramme@uni-goettingen.de.

Furthermore, it should be noted that the relevant bank account details of the university must be provided when submitting the application. The account details can be found on the university intranet under "Dienstleistungszentren" or acquired directly from the advisor for DAAD Higher Education Programmes.

EU Sanctions Lists, Export Controls and Embargos

Collaborations with sanctioned organisations and individuals are not eligible for funding. Make sure that your cooperation partners are not subject to sanctions. Use the EU Sanctions Map for a quick check.

Please also note the information on export controls and embargos on the university’s intranet and check your application accordingly.

Advice for students

Please understand that we cannot advise on DAAD programmes for individual support for students and PhD candidates. Further information regarding funding opportunities can be found in the DAAD scholarship database. If you have any questions about funding programmes for PhD students, please contact the DAAD directly. Students from Göttingen please contact the Study Abroad Advisory Services regarding funding opportunities for a study or internship abroad.


Jakob Hedderich
Advisor for DAAD Higher Education Programmes

Von-Siebold-Straße 2
Room 1.112
37075 Göttingen

Email: jakob.hedderich@zvw.uni-goettingen.de
Tel.: +49 551/39 21326


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