Principal investigators
- PD Dr. Matthias Albert in subproject 9-2 "Predicting structural changes and growth in pure and mixed stands of European beech, Norway spruce, and Douglas-fir"
- Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer in subproject 1 "Rooting patterns, root growth, and water uptake in response to interspecific competition"
- Prof. Niko Balkenhol in subproject 7 "Effects of small mammal communities on seed predation and seed dispersal"
- Dr. Dietrich Hertel in subproject 2 "Drought tolerance mechanisms of Douglas-fir, Norway spruce, and European beech in mixed and pure stands"
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib in subproject 10 "Spatio-temporal distributional regression modelling" and in subproject 11-1 "Semiparametric regression with nonstationary spatial dependence structures"
- Prof. Christoph Leuschner in subproject 2 "Drought tolerance mechanisms of Douglas-fir, Norway spruce, and European beech in mixed and pure stands"
- Prof. Dr. Carola Paul in subproject 11-2 "Economic implications of species mixture and structural diversity in European beech stands enriched with coniferous trees"
- Prof. Dr. Andrea Polle in subproject 4 "Molecular physiology of tree nutrition in mixed and pure beech-conifer forests: interaction with mycorrhizae"
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Scheu in subproject 5 "Decomposer community structure and decomposition processes"
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Schuldt in subproject 6 "Arthropod diversity and functioning in mixed versus pure stands"
- Prof. Dr. Dominik Seidel in subproject 8 "Architectural traits of trees in response to different neighborhoods and their importance for stand structural characteristics"
- Prof. Dr. Edzo Veldkamp in subproject 3 "Soil greenhouse gas fluxes and nutrient response efficiency"
Former Principal investigators
- Prof. Dr. Peter Annighöfer, Forest and Agroforest Systems, Technical University of Munich "
- Prof. Dr. Nadja Klein, Applied Statistics, School of Business and Economics, Humboldt-University of Berlin
- Prof. Dr. Norbert Lamersdorf
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Nagel, Department of Forest Growth, Northwest German Forest Research Institute