International Students
You can find all the IWL workshops here.
If there is no English title for the course, the teaching language is usually German.
For International Students we particularly recommend the following workshops:
Akademische Schreibpartnerschaften deutsch-international
Academic writing partnerships (InDiGU-Zertifikat Internationales)
Modul SK.IKG-ISZ.13
Mehrsprachig Referate und Präsentationen vorbereiten und halten
Preparing Presentations Across Languages. Modul SK.IKG-ISZ.43
Vom Lesen zum Schreiben akademischer Texte
From Reading to Writing Academic Texts
Modules SK.IKG-ISZ.02; SK.IKG-ISZ.03
Eigene Texte schlüssig aufbauen: Wie geht akademisches Argumentieren?
Modul SK.IKG-ISZ.38
You can of course participate in all IWL Workshops.
Students with German as a foreign language are also recommended to attend the courses offered by the Lektorat Deutsch als Fremdsprache.
You can get credits in the key competences for almost all our modules. To do so, you have to attend the workshop regularly and hand in a portfolio at the end. Please contact the examination office of your faculty or refer to your study or examination regulations (Modul-VZ) for information on how credits are recognised.