Financing Options

Studying is clearly more relaxed once you have secured the financing of your familiy...

The flood of applications and information on the subject of "finances" is probably initially overwhelming. You should bear in mind, however, that many applications are made once after birth and that you will not be exclusively involved in processing application forms in the future, but that there will be a certain routine for regular applications. Furthermore, the following information is a general overview, so that only a part of the options described here will apply to you and your family constellation.

Your Options:

Button_Elterngeld Button_Kindergeld Bild_Mutterschaftsgeld
Button_Bafög Button_Sozialleistungen_ENG Button_StiftungundStipendien_ENG
Button_Unterhalt_ENG Button_Verguenstigungen_ENG Button_Ansprechpersonen

Families are supported on the one hand by so-called family benefits, independent of their needs, and on the other hand by social benefits if their income is low. The "Familie" (family) infotool of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth offers a good overview of the so-called family benefits. It filters out your options after you have provided information about your family (unfortunately, this tool is only available in German).
The entitlement to social benefits is based on the subsistence minimum defined in Germany by the amount of ALG 2 payments (also known as Hartz 4). If the total income of your household is below or just above this subsistence level, you are very likely entitled to one or more of the following social benefits: ALG2, housing benefit, child benefit supplement. However, you should be aware that you cannot "accumulate" social benefits, i.e. the money you receive from one office is usually credited to your income when you apply for another social benefit.
In addition to your income, it is also worth taking a look at your expenses. We will show you where you can find discounts and save money. There are various offers, for example:

  • Where do I find affordable housing?
  • Where can I benefit from reduced admissions, fee exemptions or grants?
  • How do I find an inexpensive initial equipment? And what do we need as a family anyway?
  • What other kinds of offers and savings advice are there?

There are plenty of opportunities, and perhaps you can think of another very important piece of advice on how to save money that we don’t know or have simply forgotten to add to our list… Then write to us. We are looking forward to your additions to the topic.