Hannah Stieglitz, M.A.
Hannah studied Social and Cultural Anthropology and History at the Georg-August-University Göttingen. Her discourse analytic and practice oriented thesis was concerned with educational service in ethnographic museums between ideal and daily practice. Since November 2018 she is working as a research assistant in our Institutes’ Ethnographic Collection in the joint project ‘provenance research in non-European collections and in ethnology’ (PAESE), funded by the Volkswagen-Foundation. In her PhD project she investigates practices of documenting, using and interpreting objects deriving from colonial times (supervisors: Prof. Dr. Elfriede Hermann, Dr. Michael Kraus). Hannah´s research interests range from (post-)colonial provenance research and theory to the anthropology of museums, debates on representation in social and cultural anthropology and history and the history of (ethnographic) museums and science.
Thematic foci
Postcolonial/-modern theory, Anthropology of museums, museum studies, (post-)colonial provenance research, history of (ethnographic) museums and collections, history of science, anthropological and historical debates on representation and methods, Historical Anthropology
Regional foci
Subsahara Africa (East Africa), Europe (Germany)