Data and analyses

The development of instruments to prevent discrimination and promote equal opportunities relies on data about the situation and needs of students and other members and affiliates of the university.

At the University of Göttingen data is collected primarily by the Teaching and Learning Quality Management of the Student and Academic Services Department. It is responsible for course evaluations and graduate surveys, as well as for additional and special surveys. Results of all surveys conducted by the Student and Academic Services Department can be found centrally under Surveys - quality management.

In the Department of Finances, GenderControlling serves the quality assurance and development of the university's gender equality work and provides processed data for all organisational units.

The Equal Opportunities and Diversity Unit coordinated the university-wide survey "Ihre Perspektive zählt - Your voice matters!" in winter semester 2023/24. It is part of the project "Universität divers - Diskriminierungsschutz im Fokus", which is funded by the HRK and BMBF as part of the "Diversity at German universities" initiative. In the project „Conception of surves modules on student diversity" a questionnaire was developed between October 2018 and March 2020 (project funding: central study quality funds), which can be used by faculties and also for future surveys.

Outside the University of Göttingen, you will find a large number of studies and surveys on the situation of students and teachers, here is just a selection:

Literature used and further resources
Last updated February 13th 2024.
From 1 September 2024, the portal will no longer be updated for the time being.