How to apply for a professorship
The course will prepare the participants to apply for professorships. They will receive concrete information on how to apply and what the details and elements are regarding appointment procedures. Therefore, they can thoroughly prepare for the situation of job application. In progressing training sequences and simulations, the interview presentation including a conclusive discussion, as well as the non-public job interview with the appointments committee will be put to the test. Collegial feedback will give you a feeling for what you should pay special attention to during your “audition”.
Coach: Franziska Jantzen
Franziska Jantzen is counselor for organization and coach with focus in science since 2000. From 1992 to 1999 she worked at the Universität of Bremen. She is a fully trained lawyer and has studied in Bremen and at the Rutger's Law School, Newark (USA). Furthermore she has completed trainings in management coaching (Core Dynamik Institute GmbH), Organization counseling (Volkswagen Coaching GmbH & IHK Berlin), Career coaching (FH Hannover), Process- and Embodiment focused Psychology – PEP (Dr. M. Bohne, Hannover), Coaching Across Cultures (Phil Rosinski, Belgien) and Performance coaching (Dr. M. Bohne, Hannover).
Language: English
Number of participants: 12