* Organization of the lecture series "VWL in Aktion" by Junior Professorship for International Trade
** As I will be on leave in the summer term 2024, the Bachelors's course "Model European Union" will not be offered.
Upcoming courses
Summer term 2024: VWL in Aktion (Bachelor Module B.WIWI-OPH.0010, 6 C Lecture series)
Winter term 2024/25: The Economics of European Integration (Master Module M.WIWI-VWL.0619, 6 C, Lecture with tutorial)
Supervised theses 2020 - 2022
The impact of the introduction of the Euro on international trade (Bachelor)
The impact of economic integration on trade flows and welfare - An Economic Analysis of Deep Trade Agreements (Bachelor)
The effects of a potential EU-Mercosur trade agreement: evaluating market access and exploitation of natural resources (Master)
The global impact of COVID-19 on trade flows and supply chains (Master)
Impact of trade measures in context of the COVID-19 crisis on price volatility in agricultural markets (Bachelor)
The impact of the Brexit referenduum on the economic performance of British industries (Master)
New Trade Theory: Implications for welfare and distribution (Bachelor)
Reasons and consequences of trade conflicts in the 21st century: analysis based on the case USA vs. China (Master)