Equal opportunity and diversity
The Georg-August University of Göttingen aims to facilitate equal opportunities and protection against discrimination for all members - regardless of gender, age, sexuality, religion and belief, disability and chronic illness, ethnic and social origin as well as different experience backgrounds, household- and family constellations and life situations.
Equal opportunity team of the Faculty of Forest Sciences
The decentralized equal opportunity team of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology consists of elected deputies who represent all status groups.-
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schuldt
Appointment procedure Büsgenweg 3, Raum 2.121
Lioba Degenhardt
Recruitment process Büsgenweg 2, Raum 2.125
Dr. Markus Euring
Büsgenweg 2, Raum 1.104 -
Dr. Jens Dyckmans
Büsgenweg 2, Raum 5.125 -
Dr. Georg Albert
PostDoc Büsgenweg 3, Raum 2.117
Johanna Marie Bauer
Student representation
Henrik Ziegenhagen-Härter
Büsgenweg 5, Raum 1.133
Our main tasks
- Accompaning of hiring and appointment procedures
- Participation in faculty matters
- Support with questions related to the compatibility of work or studies and family
- Information on university-wide equal opportunity programs
- Advice in conflict situations (disadvantage, discrimination, harassment)
Our offers are freely available to all students and employees of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology. Our advice is confidential.