Fiel equipment
- Ground Penetrating Radar
GSSI SIR-4000 GPR System
- 100 MHz Antenna (3207AP) monostatic with tow handle
- 200 MHz Antenna (5106A) with survey wheel and tow handle
- 400 MHz Antenna (50400S) with handle and with 3-wheel cart
- 900 MHz Antenna (3101A) with handle, survey wheel
- 2.6 GHz Antenna (52600S) - Electrical Resistivity
IRIS Instruments Syscal Pro Switch 96 - Seismograph
Geometrics Geode 24 channel Exploration Seismograph - Land based Magnetometer Survey System
Sensys MAGNETO MXPDA 5 sensor channels
with GNSS Receiver Stonex S900A
Sounding equipment
- Percussion coring tubes
Diameter 5, 8, 10 cm
Core sampler - Cobra TT percussion hammer
- Hydraulic pulling unit
Stitz Hydraulic pulling device SZ-R / S-51 with power-aggregate, wheels and open pulling unit S-51
- Tachymeter
Leica TPS TS06plus
Carl Zeiss Reduction-tachymeter RTa4 - Leveling device
Carl Zeiss Nivellier Ni2 - Laser distance device
TruePulse 360, Laser distance measurement device with integated slope-sensor und compass
- Soil Sampling
Pürckhauer ground augers with pulling devices
Piston samplers - Permeability
Amoozemeter, Ksat Inc - Accessories
spades, shovels, soft-face hammers, soil sample rings, various measuring tapes, Munsell soil-color, etc. - Innomar Compact Parametric Echo Sounder incl. Software
- inflatable boats (w. life jackets)
2 person
4 Person - Honda Hanwave T35 AE3 with aluminum floor and platform for Innomar system, Sea Walker with aluminum floor - UWITEC sediment short corer (90 mm)
- Cutting bench for opening the sediment core in the ice laboratory(Design: @GZG Werkstatt)
Options for borrowing field devices
All field devices are available exclusively for use in university teaching and scientific research.There is no possibility to borrow field devices for purely commercial services.
Group Landscape Geoscience
Contact for loan requests: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Dietze